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Spammers on fb.

Started by Ziplock, November 01, 2012, 01:23:54 AM

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Really do not like them. I generally add them, because I don't want that awkward scenario when they're actually a person, and then you run into them at uni and go like- ooooooooooohhhhhhhhh you're robert! flower, soz bro, I tots deleted your request, I thought you were a bot!

I just had the follow transcript with what I figure is one...

i want to play a game

me-yeah bro, what game?

him- I knew about your secret

me- I really doubt that mate
I don't really know you, so I dont see how you could know something about me :S
and I dont really have many secrets... generally I'm pretty open :P

him- okay lets get some facts straight you went to WYD Madrid correct?

me- yep
didn't have any secrets over there though lokl

him- you got an ATAR of 95.3

me- 95.15

him- but you could have done better

me- constant story of my life :P

him- you went to italy

me- yeah mate

him- you went to X school

me- these are all pretty well known and documented stuff though
you can read them directly off my profile page if you look far enough lol

him- okay then look

me- yeah, it's all there...

I know I posted about italy and WYD- I have like thousands of photos from there lol

him- (posts my cousins adress)

me- and X school is on my profile
as is my atar
and actually that's my cousins house :P
ours isnt listed in the phone book lol
so what's this secret I have?

like, seriously... what did he think he was going to get out of this? it was like the most obvious thing ever...

I want to know what this secret is though...

smeh, rant over.


Mate, he wanted to know things about you to try and answer your security questions. I'd change the password of the email address that you signed up with facebook. Be careful :)


none of those are my security qs lol



Quote from: Ziplock on November 01, 2012, 01:35:44 AM
none of those are my security qs lol

Nah they try and build a sense of trust before asking things about your pets, it's so it's not suspicious. If I said to you, tell me your first pet's name, why would you talk to me! :P

Also, don't add or delete randoms from friend requests. Just leave them there and if you meet them again, then you can add them and it won't be awkward. If you don't accept them and then meet them and they ask, you can just say you have so many requests that it is hard to sort through them (which is true when you start stockpiling them!)

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anyway I blocked the guy.

smeh, it got me into what I wanted. My laziness during the school year though killed me- my moderated assesment marks were so much lower than my exam marks, dropped my atar by over 4 lol.


Quote from: Ziplock on November 01, 2012, 01:41:05 AM
anyway I blocked the guy.

smeh, it got me into what I wanted. My laziness during the school year though killed me- my moderated assesment marks were so much lower than my exam marks, dropped my atar by over 4 lol.

Zippy what are you studying? If you don't want to say out loud, just PM me :)

Unless you are studying Law, then I don't want to know.


lol, nah I do advanced science at usyd


True, sorry that's all I got out of that whole post.

I got to the ATAR bit and BAM my ADD kicked in.


Quote from: elephants on November 01, 2012, 01:45:44 AM
True, sorry that's all I got out of that whole post.

I got to the ATAR bit and BAM my ADD kicked in.



Quote from: Ziplock on November 01, 2012, 01:45:44 AM
lol, nah I do advanced science at usyd

Sweet, what particular field of study?


I'm only just finishing up in first year atm, but I'm leaning pretty strongly towards a bio major, and maybe chem as a double.


Quote from: Ziplock on November 01, 2012, 01:46:26 AM
Quote from: elephants on November 01, 2012, 01:45:44 AM
True, sorry that's all I got out of that whole post.

I got to the ATAR bit and BAM my ADD kicked in.


I dont really, I was tested when I was a little kid but I don't have ADD :P


Quote from: Ziplock on November 01, 2012, 01:54:51 AM
I'm only just finishing up in first year atm, but I'm leaning pretty strongly towards a bio major, and maybe chem as a double.

All I heard was "I'm a Jaffy"

Haha sounds cool man, chem is where it is at :D I will have a reasonable foundation of both those fields (stronger chem background - have done 5 different chem units already and only finishing up second year) so if you need a hand next year, gimme a shout :)


Quote from: elephants on November 01, 2012, 01:57:58 AM
Quote from: Ziplock on November 01, 2012, 01:46:26 AM
Quote from: elephants on November 01, 2012, 01:45:44 AM
True, sorry that's all I got out of that whole post.

I got to the ATAR bit and BAM my ADD kicked in.


I dont really, I was tested when I was a little kid but I don't have ADD :P

Dude, when you get to uni, you will wish you had ADD. I would give up most things to get my hands on some Dextroamphetamine which is used to cure ADD. It makes you focus long and hard and come exam time, you'd be laughing!

EDIT* It's past 1am and I don't know what I am saying but to whoever is cheering me (3 cheers in 5 minutes), thank you and I love you and goodnight.