2013 Player Profile: Heath Shaw

Started by nrich102, October 14, 2012, 02:36:05 PM

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Heath Shaw - Collingwood

Price - $422,400

Position - BACK

2011 Games - 14

2012 Games - 18

Career Games - 136

2011 Average - 91

2012 Average - 82

Career Average - 83

2012 tons - 4

2012 High Score - 115

2012 Low Score - 56

Summary - Shaw was a massive let down for many this year. Being called by many "Under-priced" he was in many peoples teams (Including mine). In my opinion, this guy is to injury prone. I don't think he can make to much money tbh.

Verdict- Maybe as an upgrade target if he's not injured.

Predicted Average - 84

Football Factory

Think they had a few too many injuries to their key backs this year. He could raise his average. Upgrade option later in the season for me maybe.


Pass from me, not as consistent and will probably never play a full season because of stupidity/injury.  :P


Yeah I had him all last year too, and got badly burnt when I traded him in in 2011 2 weeks before he was banned for betting. The main issue I have with him is his consistency, he'll get 120 one week then 60s for the next too. I may look at him as an upgrade traget later on though.


About 10 minutes before the final lockout, I had Waters as D4, but got scared and traded him to Shaw for 'safety'.
Shaw started the year with 56 & 66 and then I traded him back to Waters ::)
He is way too inconsistent, and on my never again list.


pass for me. love the way he plays but looking for players that are more consistent in 2013

Justin Bieber


Historically pretty inconsistent, and hasn't had as many of those really big scores lately that made him worth it. Might still go ok, but more of an upgrade target than a starter for me.


Quote from: whatlez on October 14, 2012, 04:50:39 PM
Won't have a headache next year.
I don't think I've eva had him and why start now!, I always had a grin when my opponents have him ;D



he's too much of a headache and never plays a whole season



The It


I confidently selected him last year but I am pretty certain I won't pick him again this year. The main reason for this however is that there are just too many other options.