Rejuvenate British XVs Ideas...

Started by Nails, October 11, 2012, 10:01:12 PM

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If the scoring is similar to SC and there are no new people who can replace teams, Ill put my hand up to take a team IF needed.

Justin Bieber

Quote from: Maca24 on October 12, 2012, 02:34:52 PM
If the scoring is similar to SC and there are no new people who can replace teams, Ill put my hand up to take a team IF needed.

Similarish... but not a great deal.


Sorry Colli, didn't mean to suggest that you should do all the work. More meant that someone needs to lead us all through the selection of the admin / support for MTTY, who isnt interested in taking the role. Just needs to be fair to start restoring confidence in the comp.



Quote from: Spinking on October 12, 2012, 05:32:38 PM
Sorry Colli, didn't mean to suggest that you should do all the work. More meant that someone needs to lead us all through the selection of the admin / support for MTTY, who isnt interested in taking the role. Just needs to be fair to start restoring confidence in the comp.

No Mate I just wanted people to know I was not cutting MTTY's grass :) rolling in from next door and taking over - that wouldn't be cool.

OK I have spoken to Ringo who has a good and level head.

I now adjust my suggestions to the following and think we should act ASAP on this.

1. MTTY doesn't go anywhere - he remains the head/administrator of BXVs - But is now a co-administrator.

2. Any BXVs coach who wants to step up and become the co-administrator with MTTY should now nominate themselves.

3. All BXVs coached should then vote on the nominees for co-administrator role and one be elected.

4. Elected co-administrator can forever share duties and responsibilities with MTTY until if and when MTTY decides he is out, if that is not the case already? I don't know.. can't assume.

5. Co-Administrator tasks to complete ASAP.

a) confirm all coaches of all the teams are commited and want to stay.

b) replace any that want out.

c) decide whether to continue with committee for trades or whether to have us all vote on new method for trade approval, or just announce he will now rule on all trades.

(on that one, i think it either needs to stay committee or be voted on by all coaches, i prefer administrator rules or committee rules, votes by fellow coaches is a disaster in worlds so lets not go down that road.)

d) get on with approving / rejecting trades, make announcements, advise coaches on what they have to do with lodging their list, unless the new co-administrator is going to update everyones lists post trades like i have done in AXV he will need to make sure everone is on top of updating their own lists, will need to check them and have them all sorted by the BXVs national draft. Will have to get an updated draft order for both drafts that reflescts the trades done also and post that up for everyone to see.

and the other many and varied duties of administrating the competition, but mainly will need to be around to answer peoples questions, offer guidance and advice, clarify rules and resolve disputes, process trades.

So think about the work load before nominating yourself maybe :)

For the record I am not available to do this role and i think someone else who is keen should have the opportunity anyway.

I am VERY Willing to halp out both administrators with anything at any time in the future however.

I think there is a lot of work to do organizing threads and player and team lists and draft orders etc. etc. but once all that is done, the job can probably be done fairly well with a couple of hours every couple of days spent on line. not a ton of time just regular and reliable time where you are accessable an available and get the work (mainly trade approvals) done when you are on.

Happy to hear anyone and everyone elses thoughts, but I see no reason to delay in getting a co-administrator onboard.

And I think RIngo is a genious for suggesting MTTY not be replaced at all and a co-administrator be appointed.

This is not for me to recomend people for this job but I know Spinking is keen on the idea of administrating and I know Ringo is a level head and much respected member of the community and think monstrom expressed interest also?

I would think having a BXVs team and administrating is best as you are most likely to remain interested and invested in the competition, so I'm all for Spinking or Ringo or several other potential candidates stepping up to administer the competition but i think i would rather they still ran a team.

And i think the 3rd party committee that is in place in BXVS for trades is fine, as i said in the BXVs trade thread, i pm them all the trades and had a majority ruling on all of them that same day.

So the committee functioned perfectly just MTTY was not here.

this is not to say everyone was happy with the committees decisions, but that is a different matter. The committee if kept should be given guidelines to make their decisions within, and then their decisions accepted and respected.

An appeals process needs to also be in place, just so if you REALLY think they get it wrong you can write them a story and maybe have them decide they can change their decision and still be in the guidelines set out for them, if only just....

all this should be set in stone before anything starts but we are started now so hard to change too much, but things can still be decided on tweaked and then posted so everyone knows the rules, guidelines etc.

ANYWAY I GO ON!  what's everyone think, yeah you have to scroll way back up to my points... 1. 2 . etc :)


Quote from: Maca24 on October 12, 2012, 02:34:52 PM
If the scoring is similar to SC and there are no new people who can replace teams, Ill put my hand up to take a team IF needed.

Same with me! :) But I am aware there are a few new people who want teams. :)


Sounds good Colli, think we should get something like what you have suggested up and running. But first, what does MTTY why have to say on the matter?


Quote from: BB67th on October 12, 2012, 08:53:50 PM
Sounds good Colli, think we should get something like what you have suggested up and running. But first, what does MTTY why have to say on the matter?
Agree with sentiments but the issue is that we have a competition here that is flagging due mainly to the absence of MTTY and with decisions that should be made are being deferred.  Whilst we can appreciate that MTTY may have legitimate reasons for his absence we as coaches need to ensure that the competition does not fall apart in his absence. Lets face it the comp is showing signs of this at the moment with coaches losing interest because of unconfirmed trades from over 3 weeks ago etc,
We have just come up with a viable suggestion to prevent this comp dying and are putting it to MTTY to use a co admin to take care if for any reason he is not available.
Not keen myself at the moment mainly due to the fact that I am leave for the next couple of weeks.  Whilst I will be checking periodically would not consider it fair to take on the role and instantly be absent for periods.


I'll just say this, I have been online on ave more than any other ff member since April, I can run the league and will do all that is required to make British a top competiton, vote me in as an administrator I shall not disapoint!

Justin Bieber

I might put my team on the market. If anyone is keen please post :)


Quote from: Ringo on October 12, 2012, 09:04:20 PM
Quote from: BB67th on October 12, 2012, 08:53:50 PM
Sounds good Colli, think we should get something like what you have suggested up and running. But first, what does MTTY why have to say on the matter?
Agree with sentiments but the issue is that we have a competition here that is flagging due mainly to the absence of MTTY and with decisions that should be made are being deferred.  Whilst we can appreciate that MTTY may have legitimate reasons for his absence we as coaches need to ensure that the competition does not fall apart in his absence. Lets face it the comp is showing signs of this at the moment with coaches losing interest because of unconfirmed trades from over 3 weeks ago etc,
We have just come up with a viable suggestion to prevent this comp dying and are putting it to MTTY to use a co admin to take care if for any reason he is not available.
Not keen myself at the moment mainly due to the fact that I am leave for the next couple of weeks.  Whilst I will be checking periodically would not consider it fair to take on the role and instantly be absent for periods.

Yes BB the issue is not beng ABLE to ask MTTY anything. He doesn't have to like it to be honest I sincerely hope he has no personal dramas but regardless a months absence during trade week from the boss is about as close to a resignation as you are going to get.

But Ringo suggested the co - admin, out of respect for MTTY and good on him for that. But there is no time to wait to ask MTTY anything.

I will just be bold and PM all teh BXVs coaches to direct them to this thread and express interest as tbag and spinking have and or to hand there team back as some have suggested they will/have.

Need to get the ball rolling, I think once coaches have all replied that they understand what is going on and are happy with it we can list the nominated coaches and vote one in as CO-ADMINISTRATOR>

they can start immediately and fix this mess. They can also deal with MTTY when he is back :)

pretty sure MTTY would thanks us and the co-administrator when he gets back for making so he has a BXVS competition to come back to.

that or he doesn't care and or isn't coming back, either way he should be happy right?

Justin Bieber

Oh and this has nothing to do with MTTY going inactive. I was thinking about doing this for a while and was trying to find a suitable replacement, but the best decision is just let someone fresh get the job.



PM is sent :)

Thanks Hawka, just trying to help, plenty of good people here to take the reigns and when he is back MTTY won't mind the help I am sure. BIG JOB. If you want to do it right.

@ Whatlez I know what you say is true, sad to lose such an active coach but if that is your wish best get anewbie in sooner rather than later.

We can talk new candidates later i guess, but we had TOGA and PHASIR keen last time we chased someone for AXVS and there are a few co-coached teams in this comp too so who knows sure we won't struggle to find a replacement.

but doubt we will ever get one as active as you are :(


Yep I get what's going on and received the message.