Rejuvenate British XVs Ideas...

Started by Nails, October 11, 2012, 10:01:12 PM

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I hope MTTY doesn't take offence to this...

However it's no secret that BXV has become quite inactive and I was thinking perhaps we as a competition could think up ideas to rejuvenate the BXVs and get it active again.

One idea I have thought of, if MTTY is interested, is get him a partner who can assist him in running the BXV, someone who is very active that'll help things like trades be more rapid.


Totally agree Nails.

I've offered to move on my team to create opportunities for others but if that destabilises the comp with other teams leaving, Id be happy to hold on to it, to keep the comp strong. Also / Or be he happy to help out with the running of the comp either until MTTY returns or into the future.

I think the Brits trading confirmation system is too slow and complicated, and that teams aren't encouraged to participate as strongly as the other comps. The work Colli has done with the AXV should be an example of what is required.

Happy to help out however to keep the comp strong.


Totally agree as well Nails. To be honest I am losing my enthusiasm for the British due to the fact that trades are taking so long to be approved and posted.  Appreciate what Colli has just done but still not confirmed.

Am happy to assist MTTY also if need be. Not on as regular as you 2 but will do what I can.

Need to make this competition strong as well or coaches will interest and be the poor cousin of the other 3.


Just asked spinks before I volunteered him and he's keen.

I nominate if someone takes over spinks team that he become the one and only trade judge and he approve/deny all trades.


Quote from: JBs-Hawks on October 11, 2012, 11:13:55 PM
Just asked spinks before I volunteered him and he's keen.

I nominate if someone takes over spinks team that he become the one and only trade judge and he approve/deny all trades.

Would want to hear everyone's opinions on this first... I think it could tidy things up and streamline the process. Just means you'd have to trust one persons judgement.


Like the other comps the trading rules have been set and we can not change half way through so imo we have to live with what we currently have.  Will need to be reviewed for next year though for refinement in light of the problems that are occurring in other comps.


I am unwilling to see the competition just implode and be wound up and cancelled, I think there is enough active and keen coaches remaining in the competition to make it worthwhile continuing with.

I also know I have had great interest and multiple applicants for new coaching roles on all 3 occassions I have neeed a new coach in AXV.

Two FF members who are already interesting in taking over as head coach of a XVS team are TOGA and PHASIR.

I suggest these two guys are immediately appointed as the new owners of the first two teams who are being handed back by their current coaches.

I further suggest anyone else not commited to the competition and their team, hand back their teams and an add be placed for new head coaches. I am confident these roles will be filled within a short amount of time.

I suggest regretable that MTTY is replaced immediately as the BXVs administratot by someone who has the time to be online on a daily (mostly) basis and is prepared for the demands that administrating a XVS competition requires.

Nothing against MTTY and it is a regrettable situation but it is clear in all XVs rules if you are unresponsive for a period of time you are sacked, this has to be the case EVEN MORE SO sot the administrator.

I suggest people in the BXV ( coaches) nominate themselves as the new administrator and all remaining coaches vote on who gets the gig.

So in summary. And effective immediately I suggest.

1) MTTY stood down as administrator. Interested Coaches nominate themselves to take over. Coaches vote on new administrator.

2) All coaches who no longer wish to be a part of BXV announce this and hand their teams back.

3) An Add is run for new coaches and new FF members interesting in taking over teams are appointed the new owners. This to be arranged by new administrator.

4) New administrator announces all coaching roles in all teams are filled and gets on with administrating the competition and restarts trade period.

* Again nothing against MTTY, but the competition has fallen apart in his absence which should never have happened without a handover to another FF member to take care of things for him.

* Life trumps FF, but if life gets in the way of your FF responsibilities, stand down or hand the FF responsibilities over - easy.


What a crazy day it's been in XV land!

I think Colli is right. He has done an amazing job with the AXV and is obviously someone we should listen to in regards to getting this right.

I will put my hand up for the admin role and commit to the comp and my team.

Will likely be a few folks to put their hand up, so I suggest CW be in charge of the process of electing the new admin.


Its the offseason boys!'
Inactivty is ok!



Quote from: Hawka on October 12, 2012, 12:28:54 AM
Its the offseason boys!'
Inactivty is ok!

@ Spinking - I am just one coach in BXVs nothing is for me to decide, just my thoughts. But I rate Spinkings commitment.

@ Hawka - Yes it is certainly OK - But not if you choose to run a competition then leave 17 other people hanging while you dissapear and fail to tell anyone what you are doing, which in turn leads to as many as 5 coaches in the competition deciding it is not worth being in and deciding they want out.

You can have a life, nobody would say you can't, but you can also choose not to have responsibilities in your life which you then fail to meet.

FF is a small part of life, but there are real people here who rely on other people here, and to just disregard 17 of them becasue " your life" gets in the way is nowhere near good enough.

again it is just my ONE opinion but there are only a few people crazy enough to dedicate the ridiculous amount of time required to moderate websites or run competitions such as these on websites. If you are not one of them that's ok, but don't let everybody down by signing up for it then walking away.

Now there could have been a tradgedy in MTTY's life or anything, I sincerely hope NOT! but lets assume there hasn't been and MTTY just can't commit to or keep up with this role,

well then he needs replacing before the whole thing goes to the dogs and everyone walks away.

Sound Fair :)  Oh and the issue is further clouded by the fact his profile shows he has been online several times over the past 2 weeks or more since he has done anyhing in BXVs or made any contact, so begs the question why hasn't he contacted any coaches in BXV or his committee?

I hope he is OK and his "life" is all good, I just think this is part of his "life" that may be too much for him, and there  ARE 17 other people to consider. Simple as that.

And don't put it all on me guys, I'm just one of those 17.....


I honestly think he's just been staring at his display picture for far too long and hes gone crazzzzzzy


Quote from: Colliwobblers on October 12, 2012, 12:46:15 AM
Quote from: Hawka on October 12, 2012, 12:28:54 AM
Its the offseason boys!'
Inactivty is ok!

@ Spinking - I am just one coach in BXVs nothing is for me to decide, just my thoughts. But I rate Spinkings commitment.

@ Hawka - Yes it is certainly OK - But not if you choose to run a competition then leave 17 other people hanging while you dissapear and fail to tell anyone what you are doing, which in turn leads to as many as 5 coaches in the competition deciding it is not worth being in and deciding they want out.

You can have a life, nobody would say you can't, but you can also choose not to have responsibilities in your life which you then fail to meet.

FF is a small part of life, but there are real people here who rely on other people here, and to just disregard 17 of them becasue " your life" gets in the way is nowhere near good enough.

again it is just my ONE opinion but there are only a few people crazy enough to dedicate the ridiculous amount of time required to moderate websites or run competitions such as these on websites. If you are not one of them that's ok, but don't let everybody down by signing up for it then walking away.

Now there could have been a tradgedy in MTTY's life or anything, I sincerely hope NOT! but lets assume there hasn't been and MTTY just can't commit to or keep up with this role,

well then he needs replacing before the whole thing goes to the dogs and everyone walks away.

Sound Fair :)  Oh and the issue is further clouded by the fact his profile shows he has been online several times over the past 2 weeks or more since he has done anyhing in BXVs or made any contact, so begs the question why hasn't he contacted any coaches in BXV or his committee?

I hope he is OK and his "life" is all good, I just think this is part of his "life" that may be too much for him, and there  ARE 17 other people to consider. Simple as that.

And don't put it all on me guys, I'm just one of those 17.....
Well said mate and I agree that it is up to the 17 remaining coaches to take control and re-energise the British.  Not sure how we go about it but something needs to be done.

Whilst it is the off season there is still the trades going on and need to be published as confirmed.  What will the situation be next year at this time when we are in full blown trading mode,  We can not afford this situation.

Maybe we need to appoint an assistant to MTTY with full powers to act if MTTY is absent. We will all need to agree on this. )Do not want to discard MTTY completely as it was his idea but he has to accept the responsibilities that go with it and ensuring a continuity of the comp even in the off season)

Colli I do not think it is the intention to put it all back on you just trying to come up with the best way forward to maintain the momentum the other comps have.


Good luck to you all in revitalizing the competition!

By the way, would you say the scoring system is similar to SC?


It's all good Ringo, my point was just to make it clear I was/am not trying to step in and be the one to take over. definatley not.

I actualy recomend your course of action which is fair to MTTY but also provides an immediate solution.

I am MOST CONCERNED about the 4 or 5 coaches I am aware of that want out of British already.

Whoever is going to step in and take over needs to find out who these people are who definatley want out, replace them and move the competition forward with whatever new coaches we need.

i am happy to recomend people when we start the process and vote, but i think we need to PM all british coaches, asking for interested CO-ADMINISTRATORS to nominate themselves, give it a few days for nominations to come in then PM all british coaches again to vote, then appoint the co -admin to MTTY and get on with it!.

monstrom has expressed interest, and Ringo just makes sense.... not sure we want a new committee all british coaches to help run it with MTTY and ONE other as the HEADS of the competition, I think committees suck, worlds looks like a disaster and to be honest Asians is smoothe as silk, there are no delays, no doubts, no grey areas, no nonsense, one person in charge, one person making decisions and running everything is the easiest smoothest and best way.

that is not to say if that one person screws up the rest of the coaches cant make him fix the problem or even overthrow him, but i think while a good job is being done have one person ( or in this case TWO people) run the competiion not a committee.

Happy to support other suggestions of reliable responsible active british members to step up and shall we say CO-ADMINISTRATE ?

something needs to be done ASAP tho whatever we all decide.