ossie85 Has Deleted His Account!!!

Started by Torpedo10, October 11, 2012, 11:27:43 AM

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Quote from: JBs-Hawks on October 11, 2012, 02:14:12 PM
Quote from: Maca24 on October 11, 2012, 02:10:25 PM
If it wasn't for 12 year old's trying to coach teams, we wouldn't have problems!

Not just BBs fault, tbag is surely old enough to tell him how stupid his trades were
Trying to ::) I was trying to get some good youth in as he already traded most his team away when I joined!


Quote from: tbagrocks on October 11, 2012, 02:25:32 PM
Quote from: JBs-Hawks on October 11, 2012, 02:14:12 PM
Quote from: Maca24 on October 11, 2012, 02:10:25 PM
If it wasn't for 12 year old's trying to coach teams, we wouldn't have problems!

Not just BBs fault, tbag is surely old enough to tell him how stupid his trades were
Trying to ::) I was trying to get some good youth in as he already traded most his team away when I joined!
BB has been fine with Beijing, much better than you with the Llamas.


Thanks for the update Purple and I feel sorry that Ossie has had to take this course. As I work as an analyst I know how much time Oss would put into to Forum and his statitics and I appreciate very much.

Based on your information we now have to find a coach of the Seoul Magpies.

Seeing you are from the same cloth and genes as Ossie can I offer this proposal as to how to find the new coach.  Similar to what happened when I took over the Royals. Ther are also a number of good coaches out there  who could take over this team including some of the assistant coaches.

1. Invite all coaches interested in coaching to submit an expressiion of interest in this thread stating why they should be the coach and what would they do to the Seoul Team. This required by Saturday,
2. Saturday Night you (or another coach) send out PM to all coaches with the EOI's requesting vote on who to take over the team with voting to be concluded by Sunday evening. This timetable will have a new coach in place ready for Monday voting.
3. If Ossie needs more time then we postpone next week trading.  It is not as if it is urgent with the amount of time we have left.

Just an idea to start the ball rolling. Feel free to comment.


Quote from: Maca24 on October 11, 2012, 02:28:18 PM
Quote from: tbagrocks on October 11, 2012, 02:25:32 PM
Quote from: JBs-Hawks on October 11, 2012, 02:14:12 PM
Quote from: Maca24 on October 11, 2012, 02:10:25 PM
If it wasn't for 12 year old's trying to coach teams, we wouldn't have problems!

Not just BBs fault, tbag is surely old enough to tell him how stupid his trades were
Trying to ::) I was trying to get some good youth in as he already traded most his team away when I joined!
BB has been fine with Beijing, much better than you with the Llamas.
Name one player on my list that doesn't have the potential to be a good fantasy player!  :P we will be unbeatable in 5 years


Quote from: Ringo on October 11, 2012, 02:36:47 PM
Thanks for the update Purple and I feel sorry that Ossie has had to take this course. As I work as an analyst I know how much time Oss would put into to Forum and his statitics and I appreciate very much.

Based on your information we now have to find a coach of the Seoul Magpies.

Seeing you are from the same cloth and genes as Ossie can I offer this proposal as to how to find the new coach.  Similar to what happened when I took over the Royals. Ther are also a number of good coaches out there  who could take over this team including some of the assistant coaches.

1. Invite all coaches interested in coaching to submit an expressiion of interest in this thread stating why they should be the coach and what would they do to the Seoul Team. This required by Saturday,
2. Saturday Night you (or another coach) send out PM to all coaches with the EOI's requesting vote on who to take over the team with voting to be concluded by Sunday evening. This timetable will have a new coach in place ready for Monday voting.
3. If Ossie needs more time then we postpone next week trading.  It is not as if it is urgent with the amount of time we have left.

Just an idea to start the ball rolling. Feel free to comment.
Personally I think we should do this. Everyone who wants to be a coach register your interest. The other 16 WXV coaches will vote their 1st & 2nd preferences. when all voting is done we tally up scores. The person who has the most votes will get to choose between Seoul or Moscow. Whichever they choose the person who was 2nd get's the choice of the other team. If they say no to the other team, the person who was 3rd get's the option for the team the 2nd person declined and it goes like that BUT we should wait 24 or 48 hours to see if meow comes back. If not after that time then gotta get rid of him. It's not fair to WXV to keep going round in circles and waiting for him to come back. 


I will also throw my hat into the ring for a senior coaching gig in this comp, has an application process been finalized?


To be honest a big ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) @ all of you who are waaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaa only 2-3 teams (Nails, Maca, CF) will be competitive this year, waaaaaaaaaa, wwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Do you not remember AFL beyon 2012? 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001...

There was only ever really 2-3 teams in contention for the Grand Final, which is what Worlds might be like this year coming up. However in past years it has always been 2-3 teams in real contention. So it's not really a big deal. In a couple years when all these "young" teams grow up it'll be crazy competitive....

So it's a couple years of normal AFL worlds for a bunch of years of 2012 AFL Worlds.

Get over it.

meow meow

You dickhead Nails.

Whoever gets Moscow shouldn't change the team one bit. Once the Monfries trade gets confirmed then it is good to go in 2013. But it won't be my team so I guess I can't say what to do with it.


Quote from: Nails on October 11, 2012, 02:56:36 PM
To be honest a big ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) @ all of you who are waaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaa only 2-3 teams (Nails, Maca, CF) will be competitive this year, waaaaaaaaaa, wwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Do you not remember AFL beyon 2012? 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001...

There was only ever really 2-3 teams in contention for the Grand Final, which is what Worlds might be like this year coming up. However in past years it has always been 2-3 teams in real contention. So it's not really a big deal. In a couple years when all these "young" teams grow up it'll be crazy competitive....

So it's a couple years of normal AFL worlds for a bunch of years of 2012 AFL Worlds.

Get over it.
I agree nails although I reckon any team inside last year's top 8 can beat the other on their day. It would only take a bad captaincy score and underpar score from some of their guns.


And all these coaches who are already heads of teams, flower off imo ::)

Coaches like Phasir (who's a very dedicated Asians assistant) should get a shot at the job first imo. You don't need multiple teams, give coaches who don't have a team yet a run at it.

Quote from: meow meow on October 11, 2012, 02:58:38 PM
You dickhead Nails.

Whoever gets Moscow shouldn't change the team one bit. Once the Monfries trade gets confirmed then it is good to go in 2013. But it won't be my team so I guess I can't say what to do with it.

It's the truth meow, get the flower over it, not Maca/CF/My fault your teams are bad :o


I'm keen to put my hand up also, but I think the current WXV coaches need to put their heads together, without outsiders input, to see how things will be managed going forward.

While having multiple people running the comp disperses the work somewhat, there is a major advantage in having a single person in charge - primarily that someone has the definitive word on arising issues.  Os did a magnificent job of this and it will not be easy to get things working anywhere near how well they have in the past.

I'd wait until all current coaches have had a chance to see the news, then get C4, Purps or someone central within the WXV to get a consensus from them all, then invite applications for the vacant roles.

Personally it just feels like dancing on their graves doing it like this...


Quote from: Spinking on October 11, 2012, 03:05:05 PM
I'm keen to put my hand up also, but I think the current WXV coaches need to put their heads together, without outsiders input, to see how things will be managed going forward.

While having multiple people running the comp disperses the work somewhat, there is a major advantage in having a single person in charge - primarily that someone has the definitive word on arising issues.  Os did a magnificent job of this and it will not be easy to get things working anywhere near how well they have in the past.

I'd wait until all current coaches have had a chance to see the news, then get C4, Purps or someone central within the WXV to get a consensus from them all, then invite applications for the vacant roles.

Personally it just feels like dancing on their graves doing it like this...
ossie will still run it, just having a break according to Purps. Gotta have a closing date for all people registering their interest.


Quote from: Nails on October 11, 2012, 03:00:14 PM
And all these coaches who are already heads of teams, flower off imo ::)

Coaches like Phasir (who's a very dedicated Asians assistant) should get a shot at the job first imo. You don't need multiple teams, give coaches who don't have a team yet a run at it.

Quote from: meow meow on October 11, 2012, 02:58:38 PM
You dickhead Nails.

Whoever gets Moscow shouldn't change the team one bit. Once the Monfries trade gets confirmed then it is good to go in 2013. But it won't be my team so I guess I can't say what to do with it.

It's the truth meow, get the flower over it, not Maca/CF/My fault your teams are bad :o
Are you flowering serious!! :o who wanted four teams? get bent Nails


Meow since your still here, you have the opportunity to come back and then we can move forward.
We all love you as a coach and nobody has suggested replacing you apart from outsiders.

So come back before this all blows way out of proportion :(

Really don't want a spud coaching Moscow or Seoul which looks likely to happen..


Quote from: tbagrocks on October 11, 2012, 03:16:15 PM
Quote from: Nails on October 11, 2012, 03:00:14 PM
And all these coaches who are already heads of teams, flower off imo ::)

Coaches like Phasir (who's a very dedicated Asians assistant) should get a shot at the job first imo. You don't need multiple teams, give coaches who don't have a team yet a run at it.

Quote from: meow meow on October 11, 2012, 02:58:38 PM
You dickhead Nails.

Whoever gets Moscow shouldn't change the team one bit. Once the Monfries trade gets confirmed then it is good to go in 2013. But it won't be my team so I guess I can't say what to do with it.

It's the truth meow, get the flower over it, not Maca/CF/My fault your teams are bad :o
Are you flowering serious!! :o who wanted four teams? get bent Nails

I inherited four teams that already belonged to me/pb as we were co-coaches... I didn't inherit them from other coaches ;)