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WXV 2012 Stats

Started by ossie85, September 05, 2012, 07:43:40 PM

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This should help people during the trade period....


Pick - What pick originally taken (N = National draft, P = preseason rookie)
Round - What round of the draft
AFL12 - AFL games in 2012
WXV12 - World XV games in 2012
REP12 - Representatives games in 2012
RXV12 - Reserves games in 2012
Other12 - Other games in 2012
WXVCapt - Games as Captain in World XVs
REPCapt - Games as Captain in Representative Matches
D - Games as a defender
M - Games as a midfielder
R - Games as a ruck
F - Games as a forward
I - Games on the interchange
TOTAFL - Total AFL SC points
TOTWXVA - Total WXV SC points (including bonus/penalties)
TOTWXVU - Total WXV SC points (excluding bonus/penalties)
TOTREPA - Total Representative SC points (including bonus/penalties)
TOTREPU - Total Representative SC points (excluding bonus/penalties)
TOTRES - Total Reserve SC points
TOTOther - Total Other SC points
TOTV - Total Jim Stynes Votes
TTofR - Total Teams of the Round (including finals)
High - Highest AFL SC score
Low - Lowest AFL SC score
STDEV - Standard deviation of AFL SC score
AVEAFL - AFL SC average
AVEWXVA - WXV SC average (including bonus/penalties)
AVEWXVU - WXV SC average (excluding bonus/penalties)
AVEREPA - Representative SC average (including bonus/penalties)
AVEREPU - Representative SC average (excluding bonus/penalties)
AVERES - Reserves SC average
AVEOther - Other SC average
Sum17 - Sum of 17 regular SC WXV matches (for cap purposes)
R1S - Round 1 AFL SC Score
R1P - Round 1 WXV Position
R1B - Round 1 WXV Bonus/penalties (C = Captain, VC = Vice Captain, H = Home advantage, P = Out of position, L = late inclusion)
R1A - Round 1 Adjusted WXV Score (including bonus/penalties)
R1U - Round 1 Unadjusted WXV score (excluding bonus/penalties)
R1R - Round 1 Reserves score
REPO - Score in matches they didn't play in any WXV match
R1V - Round 1 Jim Stynes votes
TotR1 - Team of the Round, Round 1