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most pain you have ever been in?

Started by Jay, August 31, 2012, 07:45:31 PM

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For me it was a dare resulting in me applying 'deep heat' to my 'downstairs' region. Literally feels like someone has lit a match down there. Give it a go if ya got balls ;) ;) ;)


had an operation when i was 12 to lengthen my calf muscles as they weren't growing properly

Adductor release and chemodenervation


Quote from: Cicjose on August 31, 2012, 07:50:19 PM
had an operation when i was 12 to lengthen my calf muscles as they weren't growing properly

Adductor release and chemodenervation
good on ya for still playing sport mate!



I've been pretty lucky, only had a couple of broken bones over the journey but without a doubt the worst pain I've experienced was when both my eardrums perforated. You wouldn't think something so small would cause that much agony but it was an absolute motherflowerer. It was 9pm on New Year's Eve and I ended up in the fetal position, covered in vomit. making deals with God to strike me down and end it. Normally that doesn't happen until 3am. ::)

Oh yeah, food poisoning would rank up there too.


For any that have had Kidney Stones will know about the pain.


After this surgery:

Had in Jan this year, when I had most of a lung removed. Caned every time I breathed in for about 2 months.


Wow. All this makes me look like a soft shower ;)


Worst? Broken Arm.

Most uncomfortable? Broken cheeckbone/face :P

Pretty soft though compared to surgeries and that though haha :)


wow i dont think i should even post in this topic.

Worst - North winning the 96 GF over the Swans, no only joking, it was 06 GF when Eagles beat the Swans

2nd Worst - Root canal therapy after being hit in the mouth with a hockey ball isnt fun

Broken bones also hurt, Bell plasy just sucks but doesnt hurt


Never really been in much pain...

Had that cricket ball on a rope on the back verandah to practice my cricket when I was younger... Would've probably been in my teens.

Got my sister to throw one at me, she threw it wide and hard and as ropes do, they come back....

The ball came back, knocked over the heavy duty cast iron stumps and onto my big toe :( I would've been like 12-13 I reckon. Not sure if I had shoes or not, but I cried forever on the couch, felt like hours I was in pain. My toenail on that toe still seems to be squished down or something idk.

But yeah, it killed when I was that age :( lol.


Something that you guys will never experience Child Birth/labor pains.
That is all.


once had one of those really hard hockey balls get hit hard into my family jewels stayed on the field and kept playing was not wearing a cup either

sickness wise anybody had whooping cough as an adult? had it few years ago worst thing ever was literally passing out from coughing and opening my eyes not knowing what had happened your eyes go completely blood shot from coughing so much cant hold down any food just throw it back up did something to my ribs from coughing was in agony for a few days there's no medicine for it either they nick name it the 99 day cough or something as that's the usual time you have it for seriously worse thing i've ever been through


Quote from: LF on August 31, 2012, 11:56:43 PM
Something that you guys will never experience Child Birth/labor pains.
That is all.

Had a teacher in high school who was former army. She was a mother of 2 or 3 IIRC. For army training have to take the pepper spray to the face, she said it was more painful than birth/labor. :O

RE: Hockey ball injuries - a bloke at my club had to get facial reconstructive surgery around 2 months ago, stupid hockey ball :(


Came off a motorbike slid down the bitumen on me back wearing a T-shirt only no jacket.
Ended up taking 75% of the skin off my back and shoulder, you could see all my sweat glands
ground my hip down to the bone and my right arm was pretty messed up. Gravel rash/bitumen burns
are very painful. Never got on another bike without a jacket again. Xmas day 1980, ruined me brand new Levis to.
Next day at hospital they had used the wrong cream for all the bandages and they had become stuck to all my wounds
i was in agony as they tried to remove the 1st, then the Doc gave me a shot of Morphine so they could remove the rest
i was good as gold after that all i could feel was nurses tugging at the bandages not a stitch of pain. Good stuff that.