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Neil Armstrong

Started by Cicjose, August 26, 2012, 12:43:28 PM

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people like Nurses, promoting cancer, providing clean drinking water to the needy in third world countries, helping the homeless etc...

ok yeah I get that it was inspirational to millions and it took a lot of courage, I just don't see the point of doing it and the billions they spend and that does nothing for mankind


Quote from: tbagrocks on August 26, 2012, 04:11:52 PM
people like Nurses, promoting cancer, providing clean drinking water to the needy in third world countries, helping the homeless etc...

No doubt they are heroes also :) You bring up good points...

Though promoting cancer is probably not a heroic thing :P

Master Q


oops lol sorry :P cancer awareness!


As Os said its based around the context of the late 1960s which is hard to fully comprehend if you weren't around then.


Tbag, you won't be talking him down when we are preparing to land on mars because our planet is screwed  ;)


As Oss, Mailman and others have said you need to look at this event in the context of the late 60's.

Some on this forum were around and can recall seeing the event on a very fuzzy black and white TV's especially in country areas.  Reception was not good and colour television had not arrived.

The event was significant at the time as the space exploration then was all about the moon unlike today where it is concentrating on other planets and the next Solar systems. It was a very important step and etched in history.

So it is correct in calling Neil Armstrong one of their heroes in history,  Rest in Peace Neil Armstrong.


Quote from: T Dog on August 26, 2012, 02:31:19 PM
I still remember watching the landing at primary school...dont remember much from back then, but this made an impression..
Yep I always tell the young people at work I was sitting on the mat in grade two watching it on a black and white TV, and after the moon landing we had to drink a bottle of lime milk that had been sitting in the sun for 3 hours!!! A daily ritual that was traumatic!

Why do some people not find him a hero? If it wasn't for men like him to be the first at stuff the world would not forge ahead. People that downgrade achievements give me the shower.


Quote from: fidou on August 27, 2012, 10:03:29 AM
Quote from: T Dog on August 26, 2012, 02:31:19 PM
I still remember watching the landing at primary school...dont remember much from back then, but this made an impression..
Yep I always tell the young people at work I was sitting on the mat in grade two watching it on a black and white TV, and after the moon landing we had to drink a bottle of lime milk that had been sitting in the sun for 3 hours!!! A daily ritual that was traumatic!

Why do some people not find him a hero? If it wasn't for men like him to be the first at stuff the world would not forge ahead. People that downgrade achievements give me the shower.
get over it, not everyone thinks that improving technology and space exploration is all that important, how much useless crap is there now brought out each year, I'm sure I'd be perfectly happy to have lived in the 1800's, only thing I'm happy for is live DT scores and footy on the box, things like the refrigerator and medical equiptment, most other things are just luxurys that we probably don't need


We don't need medical equipment? If you don't see the importance of improving knowledge/technology etc. why don't you go live with the Amish?


no no I said Medical equiptment is good ;D


Ah sorry, read it as you saying only things you need are live DT scores and footy on tv, whereas the fridge, medical equipment and other things are luxuries that we don't need.


at least we can get free treatment usually in Australia, what percentage of the world don't even have access to this? Problem also that things that should be free or at least affordable to everyone is that people want to make money out of it so they can buy their luxury items they don't need, probably getting off topic a bit but my point is we can live simply and still enjoy life ;D
    I found the recent Universe series fascinating and a real tribute to God's splender, but it's still a luxury and I don't see how exploring space we will never use anyway at the expense of billions of dollars is really that important, that said.

RIP to a pioneer and I guess you guys have convinced me, a modern day hero


tbagrocks there are over 6000 patents filed by NASA for various things much of what we use in our daily lives can be attributed to NASA but i thought id mention a few medical ones

Improved Pacemakers
Rehab Walkers to aid the paralysed
Insulin Pumps
Technology in Cochlear ear plants
Nanomaterials used in Cancer treatments
Charged Couple Devices used in Breast scanning equipment for Cancers.
Kidney Dialysis machines
Medical CAT Scanners and MRI machines

The race to Space has saved or helped countless number of lives in alot of ways. Above i have just scrapped the surface of what NASA have ben involved in directly or assited in development.  Then theres the things we just take for granted every day like Velcro, cordless tools, water filters (Saving millions in third world countries from Cholera and other diseases) the list goes on and on.

Neil Armstrong would of been aware of some of the benefits already produced by NASA assisting the human population but would of had little idea of how far these trips into space would assist mankind at home in the future as he was strapped into Opollo 11
what he did know was the Saturn V rocket had been experiencing as many failures as successes on the launch pad, it was powered by one of the most unstable and volatile fuels known to man and he's sitting on Tons of the stuff getting ready to light it. Having no idea what to expect from the mission and a massive chance that all three Astronauts may never return to Earth let alone get off the Launch Pad is what makes him a hero to me, all those before him and after him deserve the same respect.


Quote from: Grazz on August 30, 2012, 04:15:52 PM
tbagrocks there are over 6000 patents filed by NASA for various things much of what we use in our daily lives can be attributed to NASA but i thought id mention a few medical ones

Improved Pacemakers
Rehab Walkers to aid the paralysed
Insulin Pumps
Technology in Cochlear ear plants
Nanomaterials used in Cancer treatments
Charged Couple Devices used in Breast scanning equipment for Cancers.
Kidney Dialysis machines
Medical CAT Scanners and MRI machines

The race to Space has saved or helped countless number of lives in alot of ways. Above i have just scrapped the surface of what NASA have ben involved in directly or assited in development.  Then theres the things we just take for granted every day like Velcro, cordless tools, water filters (Saving millions in third world countries from Cholera and other diseases) the list goes on and on.

Neil Armstrong would of been aware of some of the benefits already produced by NASA assisting the human population but would of had little idea of how far these trips into space would assist mankind at home in the future as he was strapped into Opollo 11
what he did know was the Saturn V rocket had been experiencing as many failures as successes on the launch pad, it was powered by one of the most unstable and volatile fuels known to man and he's sitting on Tons of the stuff getting ready to light it. Having no idea what to expect from the mission and a massive chance that all three Astronauts may never return to Earth let alone get off the Launch Pad is what makes him a hero to me, all those before him and after him deserve the same respect.

Brilliant answer Grazz. That should convince tbagrocks of the importance of NASA and Neil Armstrongs exploits and the honour of being called a hero.