The Future of the World 15s - PLEASE READ

Started by c4v3m4n, August 24, 2012, 02:27:35 PM

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Quote from: Purple 77 on August 24, 2012, 03:38:56 PM
I think there should be another option in the voting. Where it says "No Leave it as it is", does that mean what it is right now? Or to have the basic four boards for each respective league that ossie suggested a while ago? I interpreted it as the way it is now, that is, the crowdedness, not many would want that

Perhaps I should just remove the poll for now then and just leave it as a discussion.

Purple 77

Quote from: c4v3m4n on August 24, 2012, 03:42:50 PM
Quote from: Purple 77 on August 24, 2012, 03:38:56 PM
I think there should be another option in the voting. Where it says "No Leave it as it is", does that mean what it is right now? Or to have the basic four boards for each respective league that ossie suggested a while ago? I interpreted it as the way it is now, that is, the crowdedness, not many would want that

Perhaps I should just remove the poll for now then and just leave it as a discussion.

Might be best, gives people a chance to see and understand everything that is said

Justin Bieber

Yeah Holz did inform me a while back that I was first in-line for a Euros coaching job. Which is good and such and now I have 3 teams essentially... Well I signed up for Englishs before I had a Euros side, signed up for Asian before I had a Euros side and now I have a Euros side...

I do agree with British is a little ridicious and should be relocated IMO and it just sounds silly.

I like the idea in ways C4, but I see it hard to see PB as an example giving up 3 teams now. So that means 3 more brand new coaches have to come in and take over. Where are we going to get 3 more coaches? Then another 2 for my other two sides (keeping Euro) and then another 2 for Holz, etc.

I am basically saying, there are about 60-70 teams that are involved in all the compeition, but on a rough estimate there are about 40 coaches who are the head coach. Therefore, meaning we need a minimum of 20 more coaches just so these can go ahead. I am happy to be an assistant coach to the British team that I have drafted recently if anyone wants to put their hand up, but I have asked several people and they have replied saying they are too busy.

I would also see it really stiff and see all of Cw's work just go down the drain. So no matter what, the Asian competition has to go through or that would be just wrong.

In all I like the idea of new boards and each comp having their own division in the world, but I see it hard like Purple has said, for some of them changing their names... Relocating would be cruel, but also having it all around the world makes the competition looks messy.

Overall, I am happy to whatever happens. I'll keep the Euros side as number one and give up the other two if this goes through. :)

Master Q

"Contraversially, I believe that the New World 15s should be run by an independent committee of FF members, not involved in any team to eliminate any bias. They would be primarily be responsible for fixturing, rule discussions, trade vetos, drafting etc. for all 4 divisions."

I really like this idea. I am doing something like this although I am an assistant coach under C4, I help out a lot of people from other comps such as the Euro's and do the W15 Tipping.


Well as Whatlez said "finding" another 20 coaches to take over teams will be all but impossible. I hear it said that there is a lot of interest from people in coaching a XV's team yet I don't see these people?

I actually talked a couple out of joining the Asians because I didn't want the addition to the XV's competitions (Asians) to get derailed, fall apart or become an embarrassment to the XV's in general.

*1. I am against an over ruling body of people to run all 4 competitions. It would be a mountain of work and I could not possibly see the people in this "committee" holding interest given your suggesting they be in no way involved in any of it. Plus I fail to see how this committee could have as much communication and understanding of the requirements of the individual competitions as the one administrator would have, and I can't see them being as interested, as invested, or working as hard as the single person responsible for running the individual competitions would be / should be.

I am not sure how much work the other heads of the competitions do, but looking at and planning what I intend to do, and have done so far in running the Asians, it is just too much work for one group of people.

Also if all the "administrator/head" of each league is responsible for is the tedious administration of doing all the work to post results, chase up team lists, maintain ladder and everything else administrative - where would the incentive be?  would this risk having people running the competitions but doing very little? as I said I am not sure what the guys who run the other comps do in terms of work, but i imagine it could vary widely depending on how much they cared?

Regular posting and updating and contacting of coaches in each competition is required, how can this "committee" of people post in every thread of each XV's competition, How can they run 4 drafts at the same time each season, run all the trade windows and organize all the trade windows, and approve all the trades for every competition all simultaneously.

*2. I am for the competition being under one banner in that lets say Os or C4 is the "overlord", then the 4 competitions are run by their administrators, in line with the guidelines set out by the "overlord". So to a set standard and with certain set rules and requirements and  setup.

THIS SAID - I like the rules and the setup we have achieved in the Asians, it is interesting it is a point of difference from your normal fantasy competitions, with the C and VC.

It is also more interesting in the way we have set up "list management" a senior list and a rookie list, and where you will need to manage your list, delisting players each season when you draft new ones, and promoting rookies or delisting them.

Most of the other rules are academic, such as trades, team line up, sacking, tanking, but the things I mentioned above are and were VERY popular options to incorporate into the competition which we did through a vote.

*3. COMPETITION LOCATIONS - makes a ton of sense and effects the 4 competitions in no way at all other than having teams change names and country. HOWEVER - I'm not about to suggest anyone from worlds has to change anything :) so good luck with that one.

*4. I am for owning one team each, however I think the coaches that own 2 or more teams, continue to run them until a "new coach" is available that we can trust to take over the team and not lose interest. Would be a raw deal asking someone to hand over a team and after they do the person they hand it to quits a month or so later.

Possible "new coaches" should be made "assistants" under the team that is to be handed over for a season, then if they are the real deal they take over the team.

Think the owners of the teams can nominate the team they are willing to hand over if need be and a list be created and "new coaches" assigned to those teams as per the list.

With Nails and PB owning 4 teams but in partnership, it is only really like they own 2, but maybe Nails can be coach and PB assistant of one, and the other way around for the other - effectively they only lose 2 of their 4 teams as they coach one each and assist in one each.

I would be happy to hand over one of my teams to a new coach that comes along. I have 2, obviously if I remained administrator of the Asians then I would keep that team.

*5 regardless of anything else that happens or does not, all 4 XV's should have their own board cleans it up and makes it all look better and work better.

there is probably more i should add, but i have kids to deal with for now :)

@ MasterQ - So are you saying you would be happy to run the drafts, the trade periods, the list management, the fixture and anything else required for all 4 competitions simultaneously each preseason postseason and during the season, whatever is required?

Just wondering that seems like a whole lot of work and all at the exact same time each season.


i'll keep it short & sweet. i dont see anything wrong with the current setup so if it aint broke dnt fix it :)


I agree with point 4 of your post Colli :)


Quote from: Maca24 on August 24, 2012, 04:54:04 PM
I agree with point 4 of your post Colli :)

well 1 out of 4 aint bad?

I like where C4V3M4N is coming from and going to just not sure on the "committee". Think one administrator/head of league for each competition is a better option (how it is now) - but ALL answerable to the HEAD OF XV's being either Os or C4V3M4N.

Think streamlining the rules makes sense but I like OUR rules (Asians) and I am sure everyone else likes THEIR rules :)

Think 4 different regions of the world makes sense too - but I don't dare suggest worlds teams move?

Think owning one team each makes sense BUT - I think everyone keeps their teams until "qualified serious" new coaches are available to take over peoples 2nd, 3rd and 4th teams.

Also think asking people to give up any of their teams will be a big ask, but i'm not against it.

Think a standard should be set for all 4 competitions to maintain - professionalism and general level that must be achieved, responsibilities of league administrators and every team should be outlined by the HEAD of XV's.

All 4 competitions under one banner but still 4 separate boards.

OK back to the kids.....


Well I like all your points, just especially 4 :P  ;)


*staying on the fence for now*

^post just so I get the thread updates.


I don't think c4 was suggesting that the coaches with multiple teams have to give them up, I think what he was saying is new teams and teams that lose a coach due to retirement (or in some cases sacking lol) should only be given to new coaches rather than coaches with existing teams.


The problem came when a 3rd competition was thought of.


Quote from: PowerBug on August 24, 2012, 05:20:41 PM
The problem came when a 3rd competition was thought of.

is this your way of saying you don't want to be a part of teh 3rd or 4th competitions ?   :P

and i still fail to see "exactly" where the "problem" is ?

Justin Bieber

Quote from: Colliwobblers on August 24, 2012, 05:27:09 PM
Quote from: PowerBug on August 24, 2012, 05:20:41 PM
The problem came when a 3rd competition was thought of.

is this your way of saying you don't want to be a part of teh 3rd or 4th competitions ?   :P

and i still fail to see "exactly" where the "problem" is ?

Yeah. Why apply and participate if you say a statement like that PowerBug?


I only really come on to FF after the Worlds and Euros were already made, hence why I signed up for the British and Asian XVs. I would happily give up those teams to coach in the Worlds or Euros which I do see as the premier comps. I don't think the comps need to change were they are, I mean what does it really matter if we have a few teams that come from the same country? We definitely do need child boards though to clean everything up.

So all we really need is to get new boards for the different comps, I am also in favor of the one team only rule as long as we can find coaches that will run the teams properly.