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Ziplock was right

Started by ossie85, August 23, 2012, 09:32:47 AM

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I think new members to fanfooty cannot be relied to the extent that existing XV's coaches can be - no offence intended.

my point is there is commitment required in the off season and every week ( as i have taken pains to make very clear in the Asians) so clear in fact that i managed to turn a couple of people away. Which was my objective.

We only want dedicated coaches that are going to commit to the requirements and be in it for the long haul.

THAT SAID - We do want to bring new coaches into the competitions that will be long term FF members and fulfil the requirements of the XV's competitions (if they wish to enter).

So to sort the chaff from the hay I think it best for coaches of existing teams in any of the 4 XV's  that would be open to handing over a team if they have multiple - to mentor the new interested coach for a season, and if the new interested coach fits the bill and still wants a team then there can be a handover.

I think handing teams to new guys immediately they say they are interested would be a mistake.

As for the 4 XV's competitions I will wait for C4 to say his piece before I add to that debate which I am CERTAIN you all will too :)

My Chumps

Quote from: c4v3m4n on August 23, 2012, 04:21:00 PM
Hey y'all.

I have run an idea past ossie about the future of each 15s competition and I'll post it up shortly.

It is quite controversial especially for those involved in the World 15s, but believe its the best way forward.


Quote from: c4v3m4n on August 23, 2012, 04:21:00 PM
Hey y'all.

I have run an idea past ossie about the future of each 15s competition and I'll post it up shortly.

It is quite controversial especially for those involved in the World 15s, but believe its the best way forward.


Quote from: Torpedo10 on August 23, 2012, 05:20:44 PM
Quote from: c4v3m4n on August 23, 2012, 04:21:00 PM
Hey y'all.

I have run an idea past ossie about the future of each 15s competition and I'll post it up shortly.

It is quite controversial especially for those involved in the World 15s, but believe its the best way forward.


Maybe c4 will suggest


Quote from: Nails on August 23, 2012, 01:57:30 PM
The question is...

Where does it end? What if for season 2014 two more XVs comps are spawned

then another two for 2015...

Are we just going to have half the forum look like XVs comps? lol

we've pretty much used them all up lol.

think of it this way- look at the afl board, and it's 18 child boards, does that work fine?


I think that we should have 4 boards


Yep definitely need the 4 boards for this to work well.


Quote from: Nails on August 23, 2012, 02:41:44 PM
Quote from: Purple 77 on August 23, 2012, 02:40:20 PM
I think you would be the only one in all 4 comps lol, correct me if im wrong.....

PB and I are co-coaches in all 4 ;) We now (not previously in Worlds/Euros) play an equal part in each team...

So he's not only one... I imagine there's a couple who have teams and are assistants or whatever in the others, but idk.

Yeah, Im a part of a team in all 4 :)

Justin Bieber

I have 3 teams... I applied for both, before I was forutately given a Euros team :)

I am happy to give up a team next year if someone is new and wants to play. (In British my team is youngish and won't win next year so I think it would be fine for someone to take over as they are not given a premiership winning side)

But I do not agree on someone like Holz, actually Holz giving up his Englishs team and BB leaves as well if thats how it works out. Giving that team to a newbie IMO is unfair as that team has already essentially won the British premiership. Giving that to someone new because they don't have a team is stupid and unfair for anyone who drafted to lose to someone who is given the best team by far in the competition.

But yeah cause my British team is average and will only be competitive if I trade strong, I see giving them a side like mine fair and won't give an advantage to a new coach.

Also with Nails saying more comps... I don't think so... if new players want to play, their combo coaching team should maybe offload one or two so new coaches can have a go.

And with people saying they do nothing as assistant coach. I was practically running the Wolves in Euros, before I received my own team. Scrads was busy a lot and I was the one doing all the work submitted the team about 8 weeks straight.


If there is a lot of interest from new coaches and not enough spots we could always trial expansion teams too ? :)


Quote from: Scrads on August 23, 2012, 06:21:55 PM
If there is a lot of interest from new coaches and not enough spots we could always trial expansion teams too ? :)
Yeah, i was gonna do that in Euros next year, spoke to holz about it after like 5 rounds, the thought of expansion team(s)....... Then i grew to like my team too much and Nails came along... So that went outta the window. :P

Justin Bieber

Yeah I heard about that Pb. I was in-line in getting an expansion side. (2014)

But I got my own team anyways :)


waiting for what C4 comes up with before commenting further.

From a Personal Note as most know I took on a team in the worlds late in the season due to whatever reason the previous coach lost interest or withdrew.  This is a situation we need to mitigate against if at all possible as I envisage taking another season to get this team really competitive with trading and draft picks. Just adding for info from my personal perspective.

meow meow

I think the real talking point should be why is Jonathan Brown so big?


Quote from: meow meow on August 23, 2012, 07:00:24 PM
I think the real talking point should be why is Jonathan Brown so big?
Because he is amazing and a mountain of a man :P