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Ziplock was right

Started by ossie85, August 23, 2012, 09:32:47 AM

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Big enough man to say it!

The place is getting crowded :) To be honest, was using a different (FAR BETTER) forum theme which didn't make it look nearly as crowded. But m0nty took the theme away and stuck with the default.

Will ask m0nty to create 4 children:

World XVs (run by ossie85)
Europe XVs (run by Holzman)
British XVs (run by MTTY)
Asia XVs (run by Colliwobblers)

Having said that, c4 had an interesting idea... Now maybe the time for him to suggest it before I suggest this to m0nty...

Purple 77


I pretty much accepted that it wasn't gonna happen, which was fair enough really, and it still might not. And well done Ziplock for coming out and saying it lol.

Justin Bieber

This will be awesome. Finding the Euros drafting thread from like page 10 is hard...  :-X

But :)


kk, sweet. Yeah, I noticed especially recently how inconvenient it was.


Like but waiting to see C4's idea.  At the moment scroll through to see new posts for the relevant sections but it is getting extremely difficult now with mass activity in Both British and Asian and with trade period coming up in Worlds.


Would it be fair to say that the competitions work like this? I believe the British is closer to SC, while the Asians scoring is more DT-like.

SC Based Comps: Worlds (Big League) and British (Little League).

DT Based Comps: Euros (Big League) and Asian (Little League).


The question is...

Where does it end? What if for season 2014 two more XVs comps are spawned

then another two for 2015...

Are we just going to have half the forum look like XVs comps? lol


tbh the more people complain, the more i like it in the one board. It's easy access for me. Though i'm probably out-voted on this one as i'd be one of the only ones in all 4 comps..... :-\

Purple 77

I think you would be the only one in all 4 comps lol, correct me if im wrong.....


Quote from: Purple 77 on August 23, 2012, 02:40:20 PM
I think you would be the only one in all 4 comps lol, correct me if im wrong.....

PB and I are co-coaches in all 4 ;) We now (not previously in Worlds/Euros) play an equal part in each team...

So he's not only one... I imagine there's a couple who have teams and are assistants or whatever in the others, but idk.


Is one of my concerns also to be honest Nails

How about we structure like this:

Other AFL Comps
----> XVs Competitions
--------> World XVs
--------> Europe XVs
--------> British XVs
--------> Asia XVs

Any new compeitions just go under "XVs Competition" and don't get a child board until they've run 1 season successfully?

Purple 77

How can there be another competition? Isn't there only 4 different scoring systems?

I would really dislike having another SC or DT comp, or even the other two.


Surely they wont do any other 15s!!!!!  :-X
4 is plenty and if people are wanting to get involved then they can become assistants or maybe people with duplicate teams can give one away.


Just a couple of thoughts -

Perhaps rather than have to introduce new league when new folks join the site Coaches with multiple teams could pass on either full or part control of their team.  I've got teams in both AXV and BXV but plan to pass one on eventually when someone new puts their hand up.  Obviously we want people who will continue to be active ongoing, so I'd be looking for that person to be a co-coach for a couple of seasons - Malthouse / Buckley style.

Also another way to prevent more leagues popping up might be to find more things to do for assistants, so they feel more involved.  I'm assistant in EXV and WXV to two great coaches in MyChumps and Torp, who are really inclusive, but honestly there isn't a whole lot to do.  Perhaps some of the great spuiking that c4 and Os do for their teams could be replicated by the assistants at other clubs...

Finally I think the 4 League admins should probably be putting their heads together (maybe already happens) regularly to ensure all 4 leagues are kept strong.  I like the idea of the two main leagues being seen as the 'Premier Leagues' and the others as 'Div 2' but I think there is a risk that of interest being diluted by having too many things going on.

Purple 77

I agree with Spinking

Assistants atm don't have much to do, hence I don't have any because there wouldn't be much to do for them, and I'm a control freak lol. So maybe spruiking for them is the way to go if they want to be involved, hell, there should be THE ASSISTANT OF THE YEAR award, and they should be front-runners for a vacant coaching role, if they aren't currently a coach.

And yeah, I think if new FF users come on a show GENUINE interest and active participation as an assistant in the XV's, then IMO  perhaps ppl with multiple teams should let one go. But I can't say much about that as I don't have more than one.