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How to pop the question?

Started by quinny88, August 22, 2012, 01:59:41 AM

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Come on guys, I need your creativity.
Ive been with my beautiful girlfriend for 4 years now and I have decided that its about time I pop the big question!
I have almost saved up for the ring that I know she loves but as its getting closer im starting to find it harder and harder to decide on how I will ask her!

I want to do something creative.. Something a bit different but also something that she wont necessarily suspect or see coming from a mile away. Also something that I dont have to save a further few months on would be nice!

Maybe an odd decision on my behalf to put it out to the fan footy public, but im sure theres some romantics amongst ya's!
Cheers :)


That's awesome quinny, well done!

When I proposed, I kept it simple by doing it at the place we met. Worked well :) But maybe a little cliche for you!

Are you planning a big public gesture, or more private?

T Dog

Nice work quinny. Make it simple imo. Propose somewhere where you both are comfortable and then go out and do the celebration / announcement. Might help stop the stage fright / nerves and you can prepare the fancy side of things in advance....if all goes well of course and you get a "Yes" :o


Nice work Quinny - Does she enjoy football and attention.

If you are game you could take her to  a game and then arrange for the proposal to be put up on the big screen at half time. Costs a bit but worth it if she is that type.

If not do as I did just drove to the Local Lookout in the early evening and whilst admiring the lights coming down proposed and then went to the restaurant I pre arranged for a celebration.


mate I'm still a young'un so (obviously) my experience in this field is unexplored as yet   ;)

I like both of Ringo's ideas; the footy one is great to get a lot of attention but if she is particularly shy then be cautious before doing it.

Congratulations though and let us know how it goes !


Congrats Quinny.  :)

First consideration is whether you are 100% sure she will say yes.  I've heard of a few major 'egg on the face' situations where a bloke plans something really elaborate only to have a very embarrasing rejection.

Mine was similar to Ringo and Os. On a moutain with an awesome view, completely unexpected.  It wasn't neccesarily a special spot then, but it became one after that.  We now go back there every year or so, usually on our wedding anniversary and have started taking the kids now too and telling them the story.

Best of luck mate!


Firstly Have you asked the Father as this one keeps them in the loop. Old Tradition.

Next what are the GF's weaknesses? Utilise this maybe.

Romantic as Ringo & others will add.

Favourite Place, eatery,  being with a crowd / friends.

Finally Good Luck & Congratulations


Well done quinny! Im still trying to work out how to ask out my crush let alone ask someone to marry me :-[

I like Ringos idea a lot, I might save that for 10 years time! ;)


Quote from: KoopKicka on August 22, 2012, 11:04:12 AM
Well done quinny! Im still trying to work out how to ask out my crush let alone ask someone to marry me :-[

I like Ringos idea a lot, I might save that for 10 years time! ;)

Be careful that the crush doesn't slip away Get to it lad


Oh & by the way some of us have been married for quite a few years. > Me 32 years all up.


Well not so sure how close you are together but we were on holiday in Cape Town and talking about the future and instead of asking her I told her we were getting married, got a good reaction and went on from there.

21 years later and 3 beautiful daughters is proof it worked.


Take her sky diving. She will jump first because she is the lightest (well I hope she is ;)), wait a minute or two before you jump. Then once she has landed she can look up to spot you and on the parachute it says "Will you marry me?"

I'm such a romantic :P


Quote from: naste on August 22, 2012, 11:26:32 AM
Quote from: KoopKicka on August 22, 2012, 11:04:12 AM
Well done quinny! Im still trying to work out how to ask out my crush let alone ask someone to marry me :-[

I like Ringos idea a lot, I might save that for 10 years time! ;)

Be careful that the crush doesn't slip away Get to it lad

hahaha Ill try ;)


Hmmm unique and something she won't see coming....

Do you have access to a shotgun?  :P


get a plane to fly over the sky and use the jetstream to write "Will You Marry Me?" in the sky or something, that would be extravagant   ;)

I've seen a few guys do that haha