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Wondering if Im the only ONE

Started by bowyanger, August 18, 2012, 08:23:53 PM

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I reckon hes an over paid nong

Goes on 7 week holidays when he is most needed to do his job...what an insult to the general, middle class football public

Thinks that Melbourne, Carlton or Hawthorn isnt guilty of tanking in the last 10 years.

As a person that donates to his wage by going to games he can be a fool, go on great 7 week holdays (thats nearly 1/3 of the season) ...then generally have another 6 months of relative downtime during summer.... I think its wrong

Besides Chris Judd who at least earns his money and doesnt have half the perks Demetrio has but is still on similar sort of money.......who thinks Demetriou deserves to keep his job?

He has ruined the game since being the AFL dictator

Lets all get nayked and famous and march on AFL house

I want Demetriou to take a pay cut so a pie isnt $6 at the game

I want Demetriou to take a pay cut so some of us can afford to go to the Grand Final

I want Demetriou to take a pay cut so pay TV is more affordable...especially for those not in victoria that have no choice but to watch a rubbish who cares game on free to air TV

(Yes Im angry about my potential SC failures this weekend so dont ask)


Don't like his arrogance, but I'd argue that he has been central in positioning the AFL as the wealthiest, most stable code in the country.


Quote from: Spinking on August 18, 2012, 08:27:36 PM
Don't like his arrogance, but I'd argue that he has been central in positioning the AFL as the wealthiest, most stable code in the country.


By TV deals?

Stable?.....Go ask The Suns, Port, Melb, Nth Melb and the dogs how their stability is?

The Suns pick their teams and crunch numbers from a bloody ATCO hut behind Metricon?


Quote from: bowyanger on August 18, 2012, 08:46:58 PM
Quote from: Spinking on August 18, 2012, 08:27:36 PM
Don't like his arrogance, but I'd argue that he has been central in positioning the AFL as the wealthiest, most stable code in the country.


By TV deals?

Stable?.....Go ask The Suns, Port, Melb, Nth Melb and the dogs how their stability is?

The Suns pick their teams and crunch numbers from a bloody ATCO hut behind Metricon?

No doubt it isn't perfect, but I think a lot of the positive work gets overshadowed. An example of this is the Auskick program. No other code has a junior footy program that is as comprehensive and professionally run. This translates to more kids getting into footy, more families getting along to games and more fans at all levels.

Compared to the other codes in Aus, I don't think we are doing too bad.


I would totally agree with you if Auskick was free.

But its not

Its a vicious circle......get kids to pay to participate in Auskick, then more kids will want to pay to eat a handful of chips that cost $5 at a footy game that cost $50 for a parent to bring the kid to

Auskick is great for kids...but if they werent doing Auskick, they would be doing something else = less $$$ for Demetriou to spend during footy season overseas = less money for the average footy fan

Basic Economics IMO...the AFL is successfully creating a monopoly in kids <9 playing sport with Auskik and printing money whilst doing so...and how does the general public / footy fan benefit from this?


No way, but dont get me started otherwise m0nty will be banning me. To think he'll be around for another 2 to 3 years possibly makes my skin crawl. Money hungry little fat small man syndrome White Goodman who incidently dont have a clue and he played the game.
God help us. ::). Yeh he's been behind the wheel when the AFL broke all records in TV rights but if Olive Oyle was behind the wheell the AFL would of generated as much capital, the sport is driving itself it only takes a halfwit to steer it, shame he doesnt qualify for that rank, 2 million a year with bonuses for his garbage not good enough not even close. Wouldnt wee on him if he was on fire. ::)


he isn't big enough for where the game has got to, bring in a real professional. He may have done well, he may have not, but he sure isn't the future is all i will say.


suggestions on who we would want to have the job?

to bad Eddie would be biased or i think he would do ok

i think it should be someone not so long out of retirement that understands the game like a Cameron Ling type but that's never going to happen but i think at least they would change it to what the players and supporters want to see which is generally the same thing


Gilon McLachlan will have the top job next if the NRL doesn't steal him.


idiot!! he sold the sole of footy by taking it away from the majority and allowing the nazi's at fox to get the monpoly, and to ignore Tasmania in the expansion ::) flower you Andrew


Demetriou has done a few good things - he is a very good businessmen but since he has become head of the AFL the game has become much much more about money than it is about the fan experience (TV rights; ticket prices; the draw; etc)

With the draw, it used to be every team playing each other in the first 15 rounds (before expansion clubs came in) but now - for example - Adelaide played GWS in Rd 4 and Rd 16, yet Port have to wait til Rd 19 to play them... It is confusing and doesn't make much sense.

Demetriou is a great businessmen and if his role wasn't so public then he would be viewed as one of the best businessmen going around, as he has brought so much to the AFL and made it the highest-grossing code in Australia, and (arguably) the most popular

I do admit though that he has done some bad things - Match Review Panel and other UMPIRE-related stuff - but Gillon McLachlan will take over the reigns sooner rather than later so Demetriou will be gone in 2-3 years I think.

P.S. Jeff Gieschen has to go before Demetriou


Don't agree with everything he has does and is doing...

But hard to argue with results, so yeah, probably should still be running the show.

Having said that, would love a Tassie team Andy D.


Quote from: ossie85 on August 19, 2012, 07:47:20 PM

Don't agree with everything he has does and is doing...

But hard to argue with results, so yeah, probably should still be running the show.

Having said that, would love a Tassie team Andy D.
Well said Oss - Think you speak for most people with the comment.

Admitted when he was up here that he could have helped the Lions more by scheduling 2/3 Blockbusters at the Gabba rather than the one each season.   Whether that was to take the heat of do not know.

And yes OSS agree there should have been a Tasmania team before either a second Qld or NSW Team.  Maybe even a NT Team.

Agree with the comment earlier that the introduction of Auskick has had huge inroads in Qld. so credit due there.


Yeh agreed Tasmania should of been the next team in in my personal opinion. I once heard an explanation to the reason they went to Sydney again and it was that they already had the market in Tasmania and they wanted to expand into an area where thay didnt have the market to expand the supporter base of the comp. Now this is probably good buisiness sense i dont know and not interested in arguing the point but it must be abit of slap in the face to Tasmanian Footy fans. In honesty i never saw the sense
in going into Sydney again for another team with Port Adelaide struggling because it doesnt have a big enough supporter base to survive on its own yet with out help from the AFL, this will continue for some time as will the same issue for GWS. On the other hand Tasmania would of had to of been a safer option if not a certain winner in the present economic climate. History will show wether GWS at this point in time was a good idea or not.


Well being a former Tasmanian and now living in the ACT I really love having GWS playing there 3 games a year at Manuka. As going to the games in my Carlton scarf and GWS hat with most of the crowd showing loyalty to two teams. BUT I FEEL IT IS A COMPLETE WASTE OF MONEY BY THE AFL.

Demetrio is dreaming if they are going to get a team that will pay its own way in the West of Sydney. And yep why dont we build a stadium for them that is not in Western Sydney and also next to a stadium that holds 100,000 that AFL is also played at.

It is SHOCKING that Tasmania does not have its own team in the AFL. 500,000 people who do not have a game to watch their team.

Also get this scenario that is possible Hawthorn v North Melbourne grand final (the two tasmanian teams!!!) Are they going to play the grand final in Campbell Town?