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AXVs: Official Drafts

Started by Colliwobblers, August 13, 2012, 06:19:17 PM

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Quote from: Colliwobblers on December 16, 2012, 10:16:27 PM
Quote from: Nails on December 16, 2012, 10:08:01 PM
Don't really care that much... more just upset about losing Gram tbh.

Gram is 15-20ppg better than his replacement which is HUGE for a side chasing the grand final lol

Stupid stupid Gram  >:( >:( >:(


It's good and I understand Colli, just angry at Gram ruining my team roar

you have every right to be annoyed Nails, and you are also one of the LEAST complaining of all of us :)

I considered giving compensation similar to British but it was to be after the fact, so where to set the cut off points for compensation picks would have caused a LOT more angst amongst all coaches especially ones with picks which fell just outside of wherever I set the levels for different compensation picks.

you lost gram which hurt but the pick #1 in the rookie wouldn't have replaced him any better than the #100odd you got instead ( unless you got lucky)

Still, I must say your last post is good natured sporting and very pleasing. So credit to you for that.

People who look in on our AXVS threads from the outside may be mistaken in thinking we are a little hostile and aggressive and that angst exists amongst us, I however feel most banter is good natured if a little snappy at times and we all get along just fine.

Man its going to be a long year when a guy is credited for the way he brought up something  that happend weeks and weeks ago again!!

My response is a little different to CW's get the flower over it already :P haha





Justin Bieber



not the right thread lol but if anyone is looking for an assistant let me know

i'm trying to get involved in all 4 comps


Come grab an Ale if you like ;)


Quote from: JBs-Hawks on December 16, 2012, 11:39:30 PM
Come grab an Ale if you like ;)

i don't drink alcohol would that be bad for sponsorship? lol

but i'd be happy to join mate


You can pour the players there premiership winning drinks then ;)

Welcome aboard mate





JBs is now skipped

Mons pick as soon as he wants it.


can i pick for him made me assistant coach earlier would be better then being skipped btw i know who he wants/wanted