buddy or swan or noone

Started by dejan, August 10, 2012, 12:50:56 PM

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buddy swan or noone

1 (16.7%)
0 (0%)
save trade u will win
5 (83.3%)

Total Members Voted: 0


i finished first in my league with 2 trades and 122000 left in the bank.
who should i tradeee. im playing maxis machine

backs:delids, lake, h shaw, scotland, carazo, birchal,goddard(s shaw, spurr)
mids:ablet, boyd, pendles, kennedy jpk, prddis, gibson (swan, Pfifer)
ruk:cox, jacobs)
fwds:robbo, buddy, dangerman, sidey, beams, zorko,martin,(Adams,murdoch)

i got fifer in the fwds to cover buddy.
wshould i take the risk and lose or trade up next week in the elimination


Buddy and Swanny are pretty much the best players in their positions, I'd reccomend keeping both of them, they'll both be back for sure the Prelims and Grannie, Buddy probably semis too.


so doesnt matter if i lose this week ill have chance again next week