ablett, mullet or birchall - help me out!

Started by bunyips, August 06, 2012, 10:50:24 PM

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hi all,

well i'm really stumped here ...  i have three trades left and need to make them count this week.  Can someone help me out?

i'm thinking either upgrading ryder (if he is out) to the big guy from the tigers or upgrading rockliff to ablett (two trades) .... or upgrading gilbert to maybe birchall - as my backs are really up and down at the moment...... 

I bet 100 bucks if i trade rockliff he will pull out a 150  :)

Salary cap left: $120,000

Brendon Goddard, Brett Deledio, Dyson Heppell, Sam Gilbert, Paul Duffield, Nick Malceski, Brian Lake
Tim Mohr, Sam Shaw

Scott Pendlebury, Dane Swan, Matt Priddis, Tom Rockliff, Andrew Swallow, Joel Selwood
James McDonald, Sam Gibson

Dean Cox, Patrick Ryder
Jarrad Redden, Orren Stephenson

Lance Franklin, Adam Goodes, Matthew Pavlich, Dustin Martin, Steele Sidebottom, Patrick Dangerfield, Taylor Adams
Adam Treloar, Dayne Zorko


What inspired you to pick Gilbert up??  ???

I wouldn't waste 2 trades 'upgrading' rockliff to ablett, your backs definitely need some TLC, Gilbert to birchall wouldn't go a stray. Big orren looked alright on the weekend but you wouldn't want to rely on him as r2 going into finals..


yeah  - i picked gilbert as my "smokey" this season which hasn't worked out very well - he either scores 40 ... 60 .... or 100!   yeah.  as duffman might have turned the corner (that a big maybe) and Eski hopfully can as well i think upgrading gilbert is the best move....  thanks for the post juzztheball!

Blues Blues Blues

Keep Rockliff, he is likely to pull out a blinder vs Carlton. I would be looking at backline, possibly 2 'upgrades' if Ryder plays and you don't need a trade for rucks


Well u need GAJ and u need a back upgrade or 2. Rocky to GAJ needs 210 K. Rocky avg 104 vs GAJ avg 137. That's an upgrade in my book. Yes he could turn around and say f u with a huge score but I'd rather GAJ any day of the week.

Then the defence - first you'd need to downgrade Mohr/JMac to make cash and then get rid of Gilbert the grape. Birchall/Suckling can be too inconsistent. Need them all year really. Same for Adcock and Hurn. My opinion anyway.

I would rather Shaw or Scotland or a bargain priced Fisher. Fisher will cost u stuff all leaving more cash for GAJ. He is the highest averaging player, the best supercoach player.  He is a must.

The ruck is the 3rd in line after GAJ and defence. If u can play o for 1 week and still win I'd do that cos Ryder will be back the week after if not this week.


Good luck fitting all of that into 3 trades  :o

Keep rockliff.


It can be done in 3 trades.

McDonald/Mohr > rookie

Rocky > GAJ

Gilbert > Fisher

That's what I'd do. OR instead of Rocky > GAJ u could go Mohr > Shaw/Scotland/other defender.

But Duffy and Eski are capable of scoring well and can u seriously do well in supercoach without GAJ? seriously? who else averages around 140?


'In the mix' reckons Ryder is at least another week or 2 away which is something to keep in mind. A premium ruck could be worth 40+ in SC. Just a thought.


Yeah you can do that in 3 trades but that leaves Stephenson on the field.

Perhaps the rockliff to ablett trade MAY score you an extra 20-40 Points per game, however upgrading Stephenson to a promo ruck could yield you far more than this, as the big o seems to be uber inconsistent for mine. Especially if he is playing WITH Trent west.

Sabretooth Tigers