Alex Browne or Stephen Wrigley

Started by barrybonds, August 06, 2012, 04:55:18 PM

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Looking to downgrade S.Shaw to free up enough cash to upgrade Porps to Beams. Which of Browne or Wrigley has the greater job security????


Same probklem with me, need to cash in on ellis and make some cash. I was thinking browne, his played 2 in a row and had a decent 17 possies in each of his two games. Perhaps dons fans can tell us what brownes JS is like


I am not familiar with either of these players, but 17 possies twice in a row sounds alright. The bombers copped another 2 soft tissue injuries on the weekend too. What I am trying to say is I would probs go Browne if he is named.

The Bomber

Injuries galore to the Bombers so I reckon Browne should get a couple more games...