Decisions, decisions, which option? Will cheer!

Started by no eye deer, August 06, 2012, 11:44:14 AM

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What should I do?

Lake to Waters
4 (28.6%)
Semi premo to Swan
1 (7.1%)
Double trade Gibson and cash cow to Swan, leaving me with Pearce or Zorko as great DPP bench.
3 (21.4%)
Semi premo to Beams.
1 (7.1%)
Hold for one more week
5 (35.7%)
Other ( please list)
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 0

no eye deer

Hey all! Thought i would get in early this week!  ;D

Well I was all set to do my last upgrade in the mids this week, but Lakes form in the last couple has me wondering if he is worthy of D7. I have $162,700 in the bank, so I could straight swap him for Waters. Or I could back him, or play S Shaw on the field and upgrade to Swan or Beams. If I do the Waters trade, I can swing someone up into the mids ( if Buddy comes back) and still have cover across all lines. I was going to upgrade Clancee, but he seems to have found some good form again.

Four trades left, $162,700 in bank, finished second in league.

Def- Lids, Gods, Carrots, Scotland, Shaw, Adcock, Lake (S Shaw, Darley)
Mids- GAJ, Jellwood, Thompson, Pendles, Priddis, Gibson ( Baguley, Couch)
Rucks- Cox, Sauce ( Redden, Campbell)
Fwds- Danger, Pav, Sidey, Pearce, Martin, Goodes, Zorko, ( Buddy, Smedts)

All replies and votes most appriciated :)


IDE say your weakest points are lake and Gibson. Gibbo is pushing out good scores. But can he maintain it? And would you be better served by Swan? But then can you afford 2 trades too accomplish this? IDE hold. 4 is good for first round of finals. 4 in the second round is even better. Evaluate your options then.


Gibson has  BE of -7 this week, so will be worth another 30K more next week if not more


Lake is set to lose money again this week. Trade him for Waters I reckon. Then next week, after Gibson goes up again, downgrade Smedts & upgrade Gibson to Swan OR I would seriously consider Watson instead for SC.

no eye deer

Cheers for the replies fellas. Like your thinking HD, but I reckon if I'm going to downgrade to someone not playing I might as well get rid of someone not playing (Redden). Unless a fwd rookie becomes available. But it probably won't leave me enough cash for Swan. Watson is a good option though.

no eye deer

155 views, 8 votes! Not that hard to press a button is it? :D

no eye deer

Voting close across the board, but holding trades has the most votes. Still reckon I'll bring in Waters, before Lake is worth nothing. No doubt he'll smash out a ton this week after I trade him! ::)

Sabretooth Tigers

I did Waters for Lake last week leaving me with a pretty good side and just two trades. Someone asked early in the season what is the value of a trade ? It's what you get for it, and Waters is well worth having. Cheers.