Help a girl out!

Started by Elite87, August 03, 2012, 02:07:48 PM

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So I've got 9 trades (yes 9..) and $158.3k

DEF: Deledio, Scotland, Goddard, Shaw, Carrazzo, Birchall, Lake (S.Morris, S.Shaw)
MID: Dangerfield, Ablett, Mitchell, J.Selwood, Zorko, Pendles (A.Kennedy, T.Couch)
RUC: Cox, Giles (Stephenson, T.Campbell)
FWD: Pavlich, N.Riewoldt, Chapman, Porplyzia, D.Martin, J.Cameron, Gumbleton (Franklin, J.Patton)

Im 1st and 2nd in my 2 leagues and guaranteed both spots. I only really wanted to make 1 trade this week so i have 2 for every week of the finals.

So my question is, Franklin > Beams  this week?

Also, I hate that I have Dangerfield and Zorko in the midfield instead of the fwd line. Is there a single trade I can make to a rookie so i cant get one of them into the fwd and then upgrade that rookie to a mid later (eg murphy) If yes, I will hold onto the Franklin to Beams trade :)

Thanks ;)


QuoteSo my question is, Franklin > Beams  this week?

no dont, if you have kept him this far you dont want to get rid of him this week and have him play next week.

IMO you need to move Danger and Zorko to your fwds, but before you do that you need to decide which 2 come out for them and which 2 stay on the bench.


Well becuase I have the luxury of trades I was actually going to bring Franklin back in next week (or whenever he is named to play).

I wanted to start with Dangerfield to the fwd line. And later upgrade Cameron to Sidey or someone.


you need to get you Fwd DPP's into your FWD line.
Your back line is pretty set.
You need to look at upgrading Giles.

Maybe this week do
two downgrades seeing you have top spots sewn up.
Morris to Bell, and maybe big O to a basement price R4.

Next week you should be able to move Danger FWD ant the expense of Patton/Cameron and bring in Swan or Jobe etc.

You should consider using those trades sooner than two per final as you may not have that many games left if you get beaten.


Plus what if you win the 1st week and get a week off? If so you will not likley need to trade in that week.

Should be double trading for improvement from here on in as can only use 2 per week :-)

Nice luxury.


Quote from: jamez_1983 on August 03, 2012, 02:55:57 PM
you need to get you Fwd DPP's into your FWD line.
Your back line is pretty set.
You need to look at upgrading Giles.

Maybe this week do
two downgrades seeing you have top spots sewn up.
Morris to Bell, and maybe big O to a basement price R4.

Next week you should be able to move Danger FWD ant the expense of Patton/Cameron and bring in Swan or Jobe etc.

You should consider using those trades sooner than two per final as you may not have that many games left if you get beaten.
+1. Do a double downgrade this week or Stephenson to an 85k rookie and Cameron to Murphy, moving Danger to FWD.

Wacky Tiger

9 trades and your 1st and 2nd in your leagues.  Id suggest you dont require any help at all  ;)

Diesels Pups

9 Trades??? I hate you! Definitely double trade this week, keep Franklin, move danger into Cameron's spot and grab a midfielder, even M. Murpphy as a cheaper option would improve ur side.

The Bomber

Quote from: Diesels Pups on August 03, 2012, 03:40:01 PM
9 Trades??? I hate you! Definitely double trade this week, keep Franklin, move danger into Cameron's spot and grab a midfielder, even M. Murpphy as a cheaper option would improve ur side.

+1 but only one trade this week. Upgrade Cameron --> Murphy and move Zorko forward...

Upgrade Giles next week...


I'd suggest trade buddy move danger fwd bring in Swanny or jobe


Thanks guys!  Alot of different suggestions, alot to think about!

Iv learnt a valuable lesson for next year. Make sure my Mid/Fwd DPPs are in the forward line to start with!  :P

Any other tips?

Blues Blues Blues

9 trades and a team like that? I bow down to you my lady...


impressive. perhaps too impressive. screen shot?

you no doubt have the leagues sewn up by now.


ya not bad for my first try and Im beating the boys. ;D


...and while I have you guys, does any one think S.Shaw, Gumbleton and Patton will play our the rest of the season? Just tyring to figure our who i want as my main emergencies for the finals :) Thanx