Dempsey/Bell - is it time to act now?

Started by Blues Blues Blues, August 01, 2012, 10:33:10 PM

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Blues Blues Blues

Team is as follows:

DEF: Goddard, Deledio, Enright, H Shaw, Carrazzo, Lake, Dempsey (S Shaw, Bootsma)
MID: Ablett, Swan, Pendles, Watson, Jelwood, Thompson (Gibson, Couch)
RUCK: Maric, Mummy (Campbell, Orren)
FWDS: Franklin, Sidebottom, Chapman, Dangerfield, Martin, Goodes, Zorko (Porps, Darling)

4 trades and $112k
Guaranteed a top 2 finish
Backline needs work (Dempsey and Lake)
Want to hold trades for finals, BUT...

- Dempsey playing rubbish and WILL drop due to high BE
- Tom Bell about to jump

Do I do the following:
Bootsma > Bell
Dempsey > Premo?

OR, stay firm and hold trades for finals, and risk Dempsey losing more cash?



Essendon's run doesn't get any easier, with their easiest game from here on in is probably the tigers, who aren't by any means easy. With a B/E of 105 and a price of $354,00, he wont be expected to drop and astonishing amount for the rest of the season. Making this trade is a big risk remember. Dempsey isn't a bad scorer by any means but his inconsistency hurts.

Hmmm, touch and go on this one, but id recommend holding, he cant drop too much more and he can score like a Premium, keep your trades mate, you are in a great position with 4 left with a great team and great reserves.

Hope this helped :)


Dempsey's scores have been hurt lately by playing a tagging role. Usually he is good for 80+ but this has definitely reduced his output. I believe they won't continue with it for much longer and he will return to the better scores, but obviously no guarantee...

I'd hold off for another week.

Disco DB

Sack the umpire disrespecta, for sure! Can easily go 1-trade to a premo like Scotland, Waters or Birch. Dumpster will stink it up at least twice in the next 5 games. I like Sucklings prospects which means you can 2nd trade Lake to the aforementioned. I'd prefer to trade CD this week, and wait and see what the injury/selection landscape is next week, Birch should still be afforable.

Blues Blues Blues

Quote from: masedog333 on August 01, 2012, 11:29:56 PM
Essendon's run doesn't get any easier, with their easiest game from here on in is probably the tigers, who aren't by any means easy. With a B/E of 105 and a price of $354,00, he wont be expected to drop and astonishing amount for the rest of the season. Making this trade is a big risk remember. Dempsey isn't a bad scorer by any means but his inconsistency hurts.

Hmmm, touch and go on this one, but id recommend holding, he cant drop too much more and he can score like a Premium, keep your trades mate, you are in a great position with 4 left with a great team and great reserves.

Hope this helped :)

Thanks mate, I know I should hold but so tempting to act.

Quote from: Disco DB on August 02, 2012, 12:43:06 AM
Sack the umpire disrespecta, for sure! Can easily go 1-trade to a premo like Scotland, Waters or Birch. Dumpster will stink it up at least twice in the next 5 games. I like Sucklings prospects which means you can 2nd trade Lake to the aforementioned. I'd prefer to trade CD this week, and wait and see what the injury/selection landscape is next week, Birch should still be afforable.

Hadn't thought of Suckling. I can afford Dempster > Suckling, Lake > Scotland/Waters/Birchall and still have $20k left with 2 trades, and a set team...once gin, SO tempting!


Another suggestion for you to consider if looking for a POD without downgrading Bootsma
Lake to Suckling although I would be tempted to keep lake personally.
Demsey to Harbrow (Look at his last 4 averaging 100 since returning form injury and Suns draw only owned by .65% of teams so a great POD going into finals)


As Bell is on possible interchange it puts up in the air a lot of downgrade plans. I was looking at one of Spurr/Ellis/ S Shaw out for Bell and Brougton to Scotland this week.If Bell is named with those ins for Carlton then you would think his js is improved a fair bit ands a good downgrade.