Do I need Gaz?

Started by Simes72, August 01, 2012, 04:13:12 PM

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Ok, I'm going well in my leagues, sitting comfortably in the top 4, but only 3 trades left and $37,600 cash. Looking towards the finals, my concerns are that I could still do with a further upgrade in defence and that I don’t have Gaz in my team, so Im potentially losing out on the massive scores he is pumping out at the moment (would need a double trade for this).
My team is
def: Lids, Goddard, Scotland, Birchall, Johnson, Carrazzo, Hargrave (Ellis, Shaw)
Mid: Swan, Watson, J Sellwood, Priddis, Cotchin, Rockliffe (Gibson, Williams)
Fwd: Beams, Sidey, Dangerfield, Martin, Stevie J, Porps, Zorko (Franklin, Hall)

This week I was considering either Hargrave to Fisher (I can’t quite afford Suckling) or a double trade of Hargrave to Baguely/Bell and Rockliffe to Gaz (getting fed up of Rocky’s low scoring).

Should I hit the button on any of these trades this week, or hold all 3 remaining trades for finals?

Thoughts appreciated


Hold them you will have a tough game next week better to have them then


That's a hard decision. I would want Ablett to if I didnt have him. I didnt have him for couple weeks after he came back from injury (i traded him out thinking he would be out for a few weeks) and I couldn't sleep at night :P SO I pulled the pin on S. Selwod during the BYES week to get Ablett back in. Has paid off so far.

I say do it!

Ablett BE this week is 83

Rockliff 115

Might be hard for you to do next week


Are u serious? Look at his scores! Is the pope catholic? Does a bear crap in the woods?


Cheers all, I had Gaz too earlier in the season, but traded him out when he was injured thinking he was going to be out for much longer than he was  ::)


I have same dilemma not having swan and need to upgrade ellis only. But for me to bring in swan one of goodes\martin\zorko has to go which is doing my head in.

Im upgrading my defense and then worry about it later but at the end ablett like swan is a must

Red Dirtie

Think of it this way, likely hood of Ablett getting rested for the finals "0" likely hood of guns like Swan, Mitchell, Selwood,thompson very high!

My answer to that is YES "You definantly need the bald man!


saw "do i need ablett"... without reading your question or any of the replies



Hell yes!

Get 2 if you can!


My main concern is that you have no rucks :D

But yeah, you need Ablett...perma-captain


Definitely get him. This week. Is a concern going to so few trades, but you've got reasonable coverage so should be ok.


Haha, thanks Jayman, forgot to put in my rucks! :-[

Looks like I'm bringing the great man back in.

the danger porps