Is afl corrupt or are the umpires that bad at their jobs?

Started by owenbond007, July 20, 2012, 10:39:07 PM

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This is quite serious. In my own opion I feel certain teams are getting massive advantages through the umpires, and when the game is over seem to square up the numbers to look even. I think this oozes of corruption.


"yes, certain teams seem to be favoured"




In seriousness I doubt there is corruption, but the umpiring has been quite bad this season. Not really sure what could be done to improve it - more umpires?


i dont think there is any corruption, someone would surely blow the whistle on it if there was any of that going on, someone disgruntled or retired or looking for a media paycheck by revealing it..

fact is umpires have really good weeks and really bad weeks, problem is several of the rules at themoment are just FAR too broad and the interpretation and execution of the rules varies game to game during the same round which is totally unacceptable.

the afl does focus on and direct umpires to focus on certain rules and aspects of the game week to week, which is also NOT ON.

the rules and interpretation of the rules and execution all needs to be defined MUCH more so every game, every umpire, every decision is the dame every game every round.

LOTS OF WORK TO DO and MUCH IMPROVEMENT NEEDED. But corruption...... highly unlikely



A pattern has been emerging for a lot of years, well over a decaded. The fact it seems to be a handful of teams consistently getting the favour of the whistle has to raise suspicion. You think if they were just incompetent these teams wouldnt standout but unfortunately they do. maybe the afl is spending to much money focusing on afl players gambling (which is a huge revenue raiser) and tweeting and other stuff that is more often than not insignificant and petty.


Different AFL teams play differently.

It isn't as if all 18 have the same players or playstyles

Hence, different ratio of free kicks.


Quote from: TheMailman on July 20, 2012, 11:12:33 PM
Different AFL teams play differently.

It isn't as if all 18 have the same players or playstyles

Hence, different ratio of free kicks.

i agree, clubs like westcoast get more free kicks because they know how to play for them.  There is no corruptions all it is umpires make mistakes just like the players do.


I'd like to see those who complain about bad umpiring go do it themselves. Enjoy doing your job without 10 replays we get on tv and the best angle at all times as opposed to be blindsided and having 5 different players blocking your view.


Quote from: Nails on July 20, 2012, 11:29:56 PM
I'd like to see those who complain about bad umpiring go do it themselves. Enjoy doing your job without 10 replays we get on tv and the best angle at all times as opposed to be blindsided and having 5 different players blocking your view.
At the end of the day this is right. Heck I had to umpire a mini under 8s game at auskick and it was hard. Can't imagine anything like this

Justin Bieber


No corruption...everyone makes mistakes, umpires mistakes just get noticed more.


Just saying.....

At Subi:
Eagles get WA based umpires
Dockers get Vic based umpires

Just saying.....


Quote from: Sid on July 20, 2012, 10:52:13 PM
As said above, not corrupt - incompetent.

really bad week for umps just gone, first time i have ever heard respected normally professional and reserved commentatore bagging ump decisions and going as far as to say...

"no seriously this guy simply has no understanding of the game"

something needs to be done, a lot of somethings, FIRST and FOREMOST - full time proffessional salaried umpires then go from there on fixing the rules and the nterpretations and ensuring consistancy and eliminating grey area and inconsistancy.