WXV Draft/Trading Timetable....

Started by ossie85, July 13, 2012, 10:24:59 AM

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Quote from: Purple 77 on August 23, 2012, 08:10:09 AM
That's a good point. Maybe their should be an escape clause agreed in a trade? And another suggestion, although the final runs into this, I know a lot (me included) of coaches have been negotiating for ages, maybe we could have another vote period at the start of September for those who have had a month or more of talks? October is AGES away, and I bet a few trades have been made already.



Quote from: Maca24 on August 23, 2012, 01:11:52 AM
Just a suggestion, but perhaps there will need to be more voting times for trades?
Instead of monthly, maybe fortnightly? My reasons are because if a trade gets knocked back then it could screw up all the trade discussions had for that month.

Yeah, fair call.

@Purple - I like the 'escape clause' idea, i.e. *this trade is conditioned on trade X being approved*

And previous feedback suggests that the voting should be private, also willing to do that.

I'm also thinking of allowing 'bidding'. I.e.

Team A trades Player X to Team B for Player Y.

Team C thinks, 'hey, I really want Player X' and offers Player Z. Team A then has the option of backing down on the original trade, and accepting the new.


just thinking Logistics her Oss if allowing a bidding war.

Assume this waht you are proposing.

Trades Listed on the Trade page
PM voting required with a deadline in place

Now to the bidding
How do I express interest in player being traded. PM to the coach and listing in thread.
Waht if majority by the tinme of my interest has approved trade.

Maybe the Solution may be
List all trades for the week on Monday
Any counter offers etc to be agrreed and published by Thursday.
Voting completed by Saturday.


Some good points Ringo, and think your proposal would just about solve it. Any comments coaches?

Yes, any 'bidding' should be PM'd privately to avoid unnecessary conflict. But I think if any new deal is reached, they have to wait until next voting period to do it.

How about we make it easier and just have every Monday as voting Monday, and voting to be completed on the Saturday.

I also want EVERY coach to vote and be involved. Not sure how this can be enforced....


Quote from: ossie85 on August 23, 2012, 09:29:51 AM

Some good points Ringo, and think your proposal would just about solve it. Any comments coaches?

Yes, any 'bidding' should be PM'd privately to avoid unnecessary conflict. But I think if any new deal is reached, they have to wait until next voting period to do it.

How about we make it easier and just have every Monday as voting Monday, and voting to be completed on the Saturday.

I also want EVERY coach to vote and be involved. Not sure how this can be enforced....

Like both these points, and agree completely.


Rightio, how about we use the same rule as we do when submitting a team...

If you miss 2 voting periods in a row, you are sacked? Harsh, but the off-season is important also


Quote from: ossie85 on August 23, 2012, 10:28:28 AM

Rightio, how about we use the same rule as we do when submitting a team...

If you miss 2 voting periods in a row, you are sacked? Harsh, but the off-season is important also
I don't have a problem with that :)

Purple 77

Me Neither  :)

But what about an september trading period?


Quote from: Purple 77 on August 23, 2012, 11:09:54 AM
Me Neither  :)

But what about an september trading period?

Thinking of every Monday from the week AFTER the Grand Final onwards... people disagree?

Purple 77


Quote from: ossie85 on August 23, 2012, 11:19:59 AM
Quote from: Purple 77 on August 23, 2012, 11:09:54 AM
Me Neither  :)

But what about an september trading period?

Thinking of every Monday from the week AFTER the Grand Final onwards... people disagree?
sounds perfect.


*looks at calendar*

Week beginning 3rd of December the last


Agree also with weekly trade periods commencing after grand final.  Would get all the "unofficial trdaes" that have been reached out of the way early.

So just to Clarify - How do we know whilst voting of any new deals. Will the coach involved in the trade period just post New Deal reached withdrawn from this weeks vote.

Second Question and maybe it is there somewhere but have not been able to find it are we limited to a number of trades this period till December. may be getting comps mixed but can vaguely remember reading 5 trades somewhere.


Fairly sure it's as many trades as you want at the moment ringo ;)


QuoteSo just to Clarify - How do we know whilst voting of any new deals. Will the coach involved in the trade period just post New Deal reached withdrawn from this weeks vote.

Yeah, that sounds logical... fine with that.

QuoteSecond Question and maybe it is there somewhere but have not been able to find it are we limited to a number of trades this period till December. may be getting comps mixed but can vaguely remember reading 5 trades somewhere.

Unlimited trades, pending on whether they are approved or not up until the National Draft.

Once the drafts have been completed and positions have been announced, another trade period will occur - which will be limited to 4 player movements for each coach.