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Semi Youth Farming

Started by chrisuzz, July 04, 2012, 06:32:42 PM

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As my squad is starting to peak in it's age with most players being 26 years of age, I will be undergoing a rebuilding phase soon.
On the other end of the scale I also have a good crop of 16 and 17 yer olds with many that I plan on keeping.

Now I have been thinking recently and maybe at the end of next season when most my players are turning 28 selling off my team and starting a rebuild while playing those youths that I plan on keeping 2 - 3 games a week. This will e good for long term progress boosting all my players experience to a good level.

On the other hand I could just keep my players until those youths start turning 20 this really only means keeping my seniors an extra season in which they will lose value at 29 years of age.

Currently the plan is to also keep Padman Arnold, Muller and McLoughlin. So I will not be neglecting my senior academy investment if I do choose this short term farming path.

Another upside of this short term farming is that due to the low wages of the youth players and the dud seniors that don't play is that I will receive a better income which will also help the rebuild.

Anyways I would like some input on this idea from other FF members and don't bag out the thread cos I wrote this all on my iPod  ;D


are you planning on keeping only the bare minimum of senior players in the squad while you rebuild?


Quote from: Cicjose on July 04, 2012, 06:49:22 PM
are you planning on keeping only the bare minimum of senior players in the squad while you rebuild?
Yes, and as players are purchased, the duds will be sold.
Whys that?


i just assumed that you would have to do that to make it work


Is your position in your current leagues secured so you won't relegate. If so then start the rebuild now


Quote from: Cookie311993 on July 04, 2012, 06:58:23 PM
Is your position in your current leagues secured so you won't relegate. If so then start the rebuild now
Nah not yet.. I was planning on pushing for a promotions in SOD and/or T20 bext season though... but bringing that in mind maybe if i secure my league positions itd be best to start asap...

And would selling off my players now make them lose value than if i waited until EOS?


They would sell for more at eos unless they are likely to boost a teams promotion chances. However money is starting to dry up in a number of teams


Hmm i might wait till EOS there cookie :)

Anyways im playing youth team + 3 seniors this friday :)


Keep in mind that after 2 weeks of games your youths will be so fatigued that you wont win any games (youth or senior).  This will prob mean a demotion in your leagues (less sponsorship etc) 

If you can mix the team of about half youth and senior then that should give you a better chance of not demoting while still getting some experience in to your 16 & 17 year olds.


Yeh that's sort of the plan.. I want to give them as much exp as possible while also suceeding inYOD and maybe keeping my spot in one of T20/SOD


Fatigue will be your killer.  Obviously the youths fatique really quickly when you play them 3 games a week - its quite a big gap in the performance from rested to fatigues (Listless or worse).  I have dropped about 20k in ratings from 82k to 61k just due to fatigue.


hmm yeh thanks valk.. i guess itll all come down to experimenting and finding a balance etc. Ill plan to buy a few extra youths so that itll cover the fatigue a lot easier.


Quote from: chrisuzz on July 05, 2012, 05:42:27 PM
hmm yeh thanks valk.. i guess itll all come down to experimenting and finding a balance etc. Ill plan to buy a few extra youths so that itll cover the fatigue a lot easier.

Then you have to balance out the number of games vs fatigue.  You want your good players playing as many games as possible so you can get the experience in to them.