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Cheers and Boos

Started by Spinking, July 04, 2012, 02:29:54 PM

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Quote from: DT Gun on September 07, 2012, 12:23:58 AM
Yeh people boo for a laugh I mean look at my ratio, I'm always right and back it with facts and look at my ratio..

It would be good to see who boo's ya and who cheers ya to make people accountable for their vote though!
that's part of it, no one likes a bragger and that profile heading ain't helping, I haven't boo'd just say'n ;)


you're not always right (I seem to remember you backing goodes and fyfe in pre-season),  that being said, I was the one backing kreuzer,  and you  only ended up being wrong most the time because of injury lol :P

I'll be listening to you a bit more this season :P


I think it'd be good if the comments themselves showed the cheers/boos instead of the person's profile. Kind of the same as the 'likes' on facebook. Except with a boo for a dislike!
Then their profile can still show their whole cheers and boos tally but they'll know what they said that had everyone offside.


and finally there's my 100


All you guys obviously jealous of my awesome cheer/boo ratio


Quote from: Jukes on October 07, 2012, 01:01:41 AM
All you guys obviously jealous of my awesome cheer/boo ratio

dog please you got nothing on Jormas


Oh yeah guys, perfect 50:50 cheer:boo ratio   8)


Bill Manspeaker

i cheered him to get back to a 1:1 :P


Hey S***heads, stop booing me!


Quote from: ///////////////////////// on October 07, 2012, 03:50:25 AM
Hey S***heads, stop booing me!

get a better username and we might consider it


Justin Bieber

And he wonders why people boo him haha,

Calling people showerheads and then asks forgiveness haha


Justin Bieber