and the depression is almost over

Started by Spuds11, June 23, 2012, 11:59:06 PM

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the dreaded multi byes are coming to end and all i have to say is thank flower for that i will eagerly look forward to putting my number 1 team on the park next week



could be cool to see the contrast in pre bye vs post bye scores.

say if pre bye your getting consitant 2100-2200's then through the byes your doing a bunch of upgrades but getting shower bye affected scores. then after the bye with your full squad your getting consistent 2400-2500

but yeah its gonna be fun to make the run home now with full squads. but the limited trades could hurt

The Bomber

I've dropped 10k spots because of these stupid byes...gotta get back into the top 10 k


So I guess we're not looking forward to 6 bye weeks next year?


Quote from: bonebones on June 24, 2012, 01:48:46 AM
So I guess we're not looking forward to 6 bye weeks next year?

No way, that will be shower. I wouldn't be suprised if a whole bunch of people drop out of DT because of that.

roo boys!

Certainly going to be nice not having any donuts come Friday afternoon, rather than copping 5-6!


Will be nice to have a different consideration as to who to leave on the bench rather than avoiding donuts. Although a lot of teams may be finished there will still be some that are not.


I am looking at my scores this week not overly happy, but then I look at the players on my bench and think how good my team is going to look next week....

2500 here I come...


Quote from: SydneyRox on June 24, 2012, 01:01:14 PM
I am looking at my scores this week not overly happy, but then I look at the players on my bench and think how good my team is going to look next week....

2500 here I come...

+1, hope my prems return to a bit of form aswell, been some very weird scores going on through the byes that have made things considerably more frustrating

Sabretooth Tigers

It will be great to get back to normal after using the head in the sand bye straegy. 1089, 2530 and around the 1900 mark this round. Had 9 doughnuts rd 11, zip in 12 and 5 in this one. So roughly an 1800 plus ave and just 14 doughnuts and I'll never, never eat another doughnut. Cheers and good luck to all.

roo boys!


My bye plan has worked well, Drink alot and dont take life to seriously for 3 weeks has left me with most of my sanity intact still.
Although this is still open to debate. ::)

Managed to come through the byes up till this weekend at 189 overall. 5 donuts this week. Like Sabretooth said enough of the sugar rush from Donuts already.


can't wait till this weeks over. byes have been a dog. Planned well and still came up short with wins in the first 2 weeks and looking at another loss this week. seemed I got the toughest draw when it came to opponents during the byes. No opponents with ridiculous amounts of donuts grrr


Yeh it all depends on who you play. If you play some poor bugger whos eaten donuts that round you can have a win but if your playing someone with very few that round you get rolled. Its a bit of a lottery really, you need a little luck.