rate please

Started by gazjnr, February 10, 2010, 01:34:28 AM

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b: enright, hodge, fisher, kennelly, ladson, shepard, c.cornes
     macquire, davis
c: ablett, pendlebury, j.selwood, cooney, martin, trengrove
    shuey bastinac
r: jolly,kruzer
    bass, prato
f: reiwoldt, brown, steve j, higgins, hall, ziebel, watts
    podsadly, tapscott

Bs Flyers

I really like the backs, mids and rucks setup - just have to watch the form of Sheppard and Cornes could be better options.  Also there has been speculation on Ladson's readiness to start the season but could be a great buy.

imo a few too many unknowns in the forwards.  could be really great but the number of games Steve Johnson will play can always be questionable, Brown's pointscoring is still unknown when combined with Fev, Hall - lots of risks injury, brain snap, exact role at a new club. Higgins should be good but also coming back from injury.  Have to watch how Watts goes in NAB.     


cheers bs

i am worries with watts and ladson, i have this feeling hall could be great under the roof and the delivery will be nothing short of first class from the doggies! but i could be horribly wrong. steve J is there until buddy is ready after suspension, i have a feeling he may drop a bit cause he plays the dogs and cats when he is back from suspension. i also see what u mean with brownie will be interesting that one

Bs Flyers

Ladson is another risk that could pay off and there has been a fair bit said for and against him in sides so he really seems to be a gut feeling and nab watcher.  I like the Steve Johnson then trade to Buddy has merit but there goes a trade which could hurt at the end of the year.