Best backman

Started by verda32, February 09, 2010, 11:12:30 PM

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who is the best backman from 490k to 450k, and why?


for me currently it is out of L.Gilbee and S.Fisher, but still can't make up my mind?

Sams Town

I am the same Verda, with maybe a lean toward Gilbee such a great kick and a MPP as well. But you cant take away much from Fisher either. But leaning toward Gilbee even though there are rumors of him being heavily tagged or whatever LOL


yeah he does get a tag every now and then, sorry mate wat is a MPP?

Bs Flyers

MPP - Multi Position Player, Gilbee is listed as a MID / BACK can be really useful with the rule change that allows these players to be traded with another MPP in the other position without it counting against your trades (as I understand it anyway). 


why would u want to trade a player from one postion to another anyway?


Because you might have bench cover in one position but not the other, and you might be able to avoid a zero or save a trade by rotating a multi-pos player to another position, then bringing on the extra bench cover ... if you see what I mean.

If you're torn between a normal player and a MPP at the same price, go the MPP. If it saves you one zero, it'll be worth it. If not, you're still a 50/50 chance of having made the right decision.

Bs Flyers

I plan to use MPP in round 1 to cover for Franklin. 
In week 1 will have Davis as a bench back and Henderson as a forward (both fwd/bck), as I have more depth in my backs. Then when Buddy returns in week two will trade Henderson back to the backs and Davis back to the forward bench so Franklin comes in as a starter and my poorer starting back goes to the bench for Henderson with none of my 20 trades used up.

This is just an example of how this could be really useful this year, as long as I understand the rule correctly.