Jack Grimes: A unique but possibly gun pick

Started by Holz, June 01, 2012, 06:27:22 PM

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I need to pick up a round 12 back premium and i was looking at grimes as a potentially undervalued pickup. He started slowly with 3 60s but after that in his last 5 he has scored just under a 92 average.

The other options is to pay 35k more for broughton or go for enrgith at around the same price.


The Gregory roller coaster has been a delicious ride again this year


Quote from: Holzman on June 01, 2012, 06:27:22 PM
I need to pick up a round 12 back premium and i was looking at grimes as a potentially undervalued pickup. He started slowly with 3 60s but after that in his last 5 he has scored just under a 92 average.

The other options is to pay 35k more for broughton or go for enrgith at around the same price.

If melbourne were playing just a bit better... maybe! Broughton sounds better but round 12 defenders seemed cursed at the moment (see Shaw, Heppell, Malceski, Dempsey).

DT Gun

factor in the game grimes gets injured, the 4 weeks he will miss and the crap scores he gets on his return and thats his season average


everytime he goes near it just looks like he will get injured. i think you will regret it


Quote from: Andrew on June 01, 2012, 06:31:35 PM
Quote from: Holzman on June 01, 2012, 06:27:22 PM
I need to pick up a round 12 back premium and i was looking at grimes as a potentially undervalued pickup. He started slowly with 3 60s but after that in his last 5 he has scored just under a 92 average.

The other options is to pay 35k more for broughton or go for enrgith at around the same price.

If melbourne were playing just a bit better... maybe! Broughton sounds better but round 12 defenders seemed cursed at the moment (see Shaw, Heppell, Malceski, Dempsey).

well they suck and he averages 90, if they lift he could get even better.


everyone is saying enirght is the better pick and is a true premium but

66   65   65   111   75   87   95   90


38   62   73   92   56   106   64   95   97   

to me the first looks like a premium hitting form



Jack makes me too nervous! Has burnt me in the past.. a no Holz!


Quote from: picker_man on June 01, 2012, 07:03:54 PM
^^^ i wouldnt want either in my team :P

the question is i need a round 12 back in my team, Heppel and Shaw are both out injured and I have Eski and Smedts on my becnh currently and that means i have to play morris and i dont want to do that with no bench cover.

Have 380k to spend or i could dowgnrade pfiiefer to sexton to get anyone but dont really want to do that unless i have too.


Well, he's not a premium, but a mid-pricer and is playing in the worst team (and probably DT scoring team) of the year. I really can't see him improving much, but he Neeld might try a few things and play him more as a loose man.

I really don't know if getting him in is the best idea, but if it pays off, you are a genius.


What about Michael Johnson Holz he is looking pretty good


Quote from: luvfooty on June 01, 2012, 07:08:53 PM
What about Michael Johnson Holz he is looking pretty good

i think he is even riskier to do that i would have to turn pfiefer into sexton and im low on trades if i was doing that i would bring in broughton instead.



Quote from: luvfooty on June 01, 2012, 07:14:09 PM
how much cash do you have?

I have 220k in the bank so if i upgrade Smedts I have 383k to spend but if i go pfiefer to sexton i have 480k