Is this crazy?

Started by its me lads, May 20, 2012, 10:23:48 PM

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Is it crazy?

not a bad idea
good idea

its me lads

assume swan is out for a month. would it be crazy to downgrade swanny to a rookie then have a stack of cash.


Almost 500k in hand means you turn two plump rookies into premos.  Good idea?

Not a good idea if you were to bring swan back in.  Swan out, rookie upgrade, rookie upgrade, rookie downgrade (to get money for swan again), Swan in = five trades... and a long round-a-bout way to upgrade your team.

Conversely, keep and bench swan, then just conventionally downgrade a rookie and upgrade a rookie.  you could get the above result in 4 trades when you do this.  But you would have swan riding the pine for x amount of weeks.

IMO, a trade is worth 100-150k at least.  So I'd pass.

Justin Bieber

Maybe Swan down to like a Mitchell. Or Swap with Stants...  :-X


swan to zorko which will finally enable a dpp link then upgrade morris

pray jmac plays the next 2 which should then make some $$ for swan back in rd 13