Does anyone think there ruck combo or trio is better than mine?

Started by owenbond007, May 20, 2012, 01:06:19 AM

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Maric, Sandilands, Giles, redden.

Its awesome I know. Was forced to trade.

r4 orren to sandy.
r5 mummy to maric


Well i have Maric, Giles with redden and o on the bench.

So if Giles beats Sandi, then i win ;)


On Ave his not come byes his not. not a bad combo though. Orren plays r11 r13 though and your stock rises on your claim.


Quote from: owenbond007 on May 20, 2012, 01:18:08 AM
On Ave his not come byes his not. not a bad combo though. Orren plays r11 r13 though and your stock rises on your claim.
Yeah, hopefully Orren can hold his spot and just play those two games. I would love him, even if he only got 50 those rounds.


I have Sandi, Hmac, Giles and big O

Guess that would be up there.


Was that a starting combo. Maric does Hmac and probably any ruck. Come byes again possible 1 Donut r11. But no trades and you a fair stake to the throne


Quote from: owenbond007 on May 20, 2012, 01:32:25 AM
Was that a starting combo. Maric does Hmac and probably any ruck. Come byes again possible 1 Donut r11. But no trades and you a fair stake to the throne

Was going to trade Giles to Maric but not sure if I can afford it now haha

Mummy to sandi and redden to hmac (when he was 300k) so wasted too many trades on them!


sounds like you picked the same combo as me to start with


From the start of the year I had:

Mcintosh, Maric, Giles and Orren.

Havent looked back since!!!


Quote from: kiss01 on May 20, 2012, 01:44:27 AM
From the start of the year I had:

Mcintosh, Maric, Giles and Orren.

Havent looked back since!!!

Are you serious? Where are you ranked and how many trades left? That is so damn aweome!


Hmac, Giles, Redden, Stephenson to begin with.  Upgraded Giles to Cox a few rounds ago, it was a bit early to do that in hindsight of Giles consistency but he was always one of my early upgrade targets, so I just went for it.

I did have a long think about Hmac to Kreuzer this week until I found out Stephenson was playing. Hopefully Redden isn't too far away from a return to the side either and overall i'm happy with my ruck set up as i've had nowhere near the problems others have had.

(touch wood)


Quote from: owenbond007 on May 20, 2012, 01:06:19 AM
Maric, Sandilands, Giles, redden.

Its awesome I know. Was forced to trade.

r4 orren to sandy.
r5 mummy to maric

I have Maric, Giles, Redden and Big O however across in SC this combo above is what I have and its paying off...


Cox and Giles...
Pretty solid  :)
Don't care about both of them missing the bye rounds.


Pretty happy with mine, simply because I have not yet used a single trade in my ruck department and have not had a ruck donut.

Sandilands, hmac, giles, redden.

Justin Bieber