what is the worst sport to watch on tv

Started by blue, May 19, 2012, 02:35:17 AM

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Quote from: upthemaidens on May 30, 2012, 11:38:54 AM
Quote from: Jukes on May 20, 2012, 09:46:14 PM
Yeah all endurance sports (cycling, marathons etc.) are all mega boring.
ummm  bathurst, you saying that bathurst is boring?

bathurst is a combination of endurance and cars so is twice as boring


Quote from: Holzman on June 04, 2012, 03:21:17 AM
Quote from: upthemaidens on May 30, 2012, 11:38:54 AM
Quote from: Jukes on May 20, 2012, 09:46:14 PM
Yeah all endurance sports (cycling, marathons etc.) are all mega boring.
ummm  bathurst, you saying that bathurst is boring?

bathurst is a combination of endurance and cars so is twice as boring
Agreed. Only motorsport I like is F1


I actually enjoy most sports on TV because its better than watching the other crap thats on..

But agree with above posts..

Baseball has got to be the most boring sport.. Hardly any big hits these days (and when there are they are usually caught). And the pace of the game is just TOO slow


i didn't write this just found it on google and added photo.s



9. Golf

I’ll grant that watching golf on television is better than watching it in person, but that’s not to say it’s still not a total snooze. You lose the ball in the sky, you can’t see the course, and they’re constantly jumping from golfer to golfer to give no real sense of continuity. The announcers are reminiscent of your boring uncle, and you’re not even getting fresh air or a walk. There’s a reason this sport on TV knocks people out faster than Ambien.

8. Swimming

I’ll be the first to admit, 2008 went a long way towards developing appreciation and interest in swimming. I’ll also be the first to admit that I could make painting my bedroom a national fascination if I it was an Olympic sport. You can’t see the swimmers, so you can’t cheer or appreciate your favorite. Instead, you end up rooting for a rubber hat and goggles. When the moving yellow lines that represent the world record and Olympic record make the sport about 70% more interesting, you’ve got a boring sport.

7. Auto Racing

So much of enjoying an auto race has to do with the environment, so to do away with that aspect in a television broadcast is to essentially neuter the sport. Television makes the cars seem as though they’re going about 15 miles an hour, which torpedoes the thrill aspect. Further, not experiencing the deafening sound or even the smells of the cars is a big factor in making this sport a total dud on TV.

6. Horse Racing

Unless you’re a degenerate gambler that can’t make it to the track, don’t bother watching the ponies on TV. You’ll get sucked in to 45 minutes of crap in anticipation of two minutes of action. I suppose you can throw a Kentucky Derby party and enjoy yourself, but the race on television won’t be the star. Even a trip to your local divey track is better than the finest the sport has to offer on television. On TV, you only get to watch one race, and you probably aren’t gambling. Pass.

5. Poker

Yeah, we’re gonna call poker a sport. It’s on all the sports channels and it’s people competing for money. Close enough, okay? It may be a sport, but it’s one hell of a boring sport. Besides the fact that watching people match wits with playing cards is not, how you say, fun. The drama is sanitized out. These poker players show absolutely no emotion, so it’s damn near impossible to care if these guys win and lose.

4. Baseball

I like watching baseball on TV. But when I say “watching,” I mean “having on in the background while I live my life.” It’s pleasant, and I enjoy the sounds of the crowd, the skill of most of the announcers (no sport has better announcers than baseball, by and large), and the periodic moments of action. However, it never captures my attention. I have tried to focus on a baseball game for three hours and succeeded during the playoffs, but in July when the Royals are playing the Angels, you already know that none of this is going to matter, so leave on the TV, but you better find something else to do.

3. Bowling

While people could argue that bowling is just a boring sport and would probably be right, the TV makes it more boring. It’s not like bowlers have magnetic charisma, and you must experience the sport in person to enjoy it, but bowling seems very one-dimensional when being broadcast. Pool for instance, gets surprisingly watchable when aired on TV. Not so with bowling. Factor in the announcers with all the charm of your high school driving instructor, and you’ve got a dud.

2. Medium/Long Distance Running

Step, repeat. Step, repeat. Repeat until bored. If I have to tell you why watching a person run (especially on a round track) for anything more than four minutes is boring, then you should go to the doctor, because you might be a moron. The last moments may be a competitive struggle, but the wait is arduous. If I wanted to watch people run all day, I’d…I’d…well, I can’t imagine an instance in which I would want to watch people run in a straight line all day.

1. Curling

Sure, the novelty of the brooms, the pucks that look like Snorks, and the crazy Norwegian trousers kept our attention to the point where the sport became something of a cultural phenomenon, but make no mistake: the sport is enjoyed by 90% of its audience on an ironic level. If this sport didn’t play on a scale as grand as the Olympics, people couldn’t change the channel quick enough. Every four years is just the right amount of frequency.


Quote from: Holzman on June 04, 2012, 03:21:17 AM
Quote from: upthemaidens on May 30, 2012, 11:38:54 AM
Quote from: Jukes on May 20, 2012, 09:46:14 PM
Yeah all endurance sports (cycling, marathons etc.) are all mega boring.
ummm  bathurst, you saying that bathurst is boring?

bathurst is a combination of endurance and cars so is twice as boring
well i guess it does help if you start drinking at 7am ;D


i have o say baseball is growing on me as there isnt anything better on atm



Well, french open tennis final about to start, no-one can say that Rafa vs Djokovic won't be entertaining to watch. :D



if thats what ur into then...


Anderson looks so shocked in the background!


perhaps a broken rule to bromance there?


soccer, baseball, swimming, marathons, the list goes on :P

I play golf, every weekend, and the only time I can really watch it is in the last round of a major, and only when Tiger, Phil, or Bubba are in contention :P


Quote from: blue on May 19, 2012, 02:35:17 AM
im up late had a few beers love sport and watching the tigers woarriors nrl game thinking afl is so much more exciting and how much more skill is involved, but then on the other hand im glad im not watching baseball. so im going to put it out there baseball is the worst sport to watch on tv or is v8 supercars or golf. no i think its baseball, would like too know what others think

Are you the reason this happened??!! I think Julia may have been sneaking around the forum and spotted your opening line. Now what are we supposed to watch in the ad breaks??!
