Please - rate MY team

Started by Maseratti, May 16, 2012, 07:14:19 PM

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I traded down Chad Cornes to Dickinson and then upgraded Shiel to Boyd, and I just want some feedback.


The First Positive i see is that you have 20 Trades this will keep you in good stead for the coming weeks you have also managed your team well . You have some nice uniques in Hurn & Bennell i prefer Scott Thompson than Boyd because not too many teams have him and also because Boyd turns the ball over more. May want to turn Kreuzer or Giles to Sandilands in the coming weeks

This first thing you need to make sure of is to not have too many players that have the same Bye Week. so no more than 2 premium midfielders from Rounds 11 as an example. The other positions will be alot harder to cover so you have to decide which position you are willing to take more donuts backline is probably where you won't lose alot.
Now to rate your team so far its looking good the next trade you should do is getting rid of either Bugg  out of your team as he has peaked. Pick up someone that has a round 12  or 13 bye. Spurr would have been a good example to get.
You haven't stated where you are ranked.

Good luck and i hope you win your league.