need feedback

Started by ando_10, February 07, 2010, 02:44:51 AM

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Backs:Goddard Enright Hodge Ladson Kenelly Hunt Gillies
EMG: Trengove Dare

MID:Ablett Hayes Corey Ball Walker Martin
EMG:Morabito Bastinac

Ruck:Jolly Mumford
EMG:Gawn Bass

Forward: Goodes Reiwoldt Pavlich j.Brown Henderson Burton T.Walsh
EMG: Black Gumbleton


If you can afford the extra 15K then I'd get Selwood over Corey.

Mumford - No...Can't have a 2nd choice ruckman at his club as your your first choice ruckman.

Not sure if having Fevola next to Brown will affect his points...I say it will but it's a big unknown.

I hope Ball works for you because he shafted me last year when I tossed up between him and Hayes  :'(

Anyway just my opinions  :P


why selwood coreys more consistent i reckon.
who ya think instead of mumford? seaby? im so stuck on a second ruckman


I just prefer Selwood and think he will explode this year...As I said, just my opinion.
I think Seaby will be their first choice....
If you only have enough for a ruck at around Mumfords price I think you need to free up some cash...Rucks, IMO, are set and leave


they spent so much on mumford to be second ruckman? but fair point mate they would be stupid to have mumford in front of seaby ive gone with seaby.



maybe kreuzer as 2nd ruckman if you can afford.....will play a game like cox this year....
i am also keen on selwood over cory
think your forward line still needs a little work
pls feel to comment on mine under the heading....i have seen some great advice can i have some pls......


best feedback ive heard all day mate :D  ;D


vmac66 what you think i should do to my forward line?


concerned about goodes.....also harvey has said pav will spend most of his time forward , got alot of points last year when on ball....


Quote from: ando_10 on February 07, 2010, 05:57:32 AM
best feedback ive heard all day mate :D  ;D
Thought you'd like that haha


Quote from: vmac66 on February 07, 2010, 06:07:11 AM
concerned about goodes.....also harvey has said pav will spend most of his time forward , got alot of points last year when on ball....

Out of those players you are concerned about Goodes?? ???
Don't you like the fact he will score 35 billion points?


ando can you let me know what you think of my team pls.....


just worried how many games he will play......
also have got no problems if i am wrong......
he can score big if he plays each game....


bjrouse , should i go armitage , may have spelt it wrong...or masten  ????
also any other ideas on my team pls.....