HotTiges SC team

Started by HotTiges, May 15, 2012, 10:45:57 PM

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Have to post entire team again.

Will have to see if Malceski is named and Redden/Orren I guess.


team as is with 317k and 11 trades left

Deledio, Goddard, Heppall, Malceski, Lake, Clarke, Morris, (Darley ellis)

Ablett, Swan, Thompson, Selwood, NDS, Zorko (jmac, horse)

HMac, Giles (redden, big o)

Franklin, Sidebottom, Zaharakis, Martin, Harvey, Porplyzia, Smith (smedts, kennedy)


5 rooks to upgrade - 11 trades remaining...gonna be a struggle mate

you have all the advice you need with charliesheen

Good luck :)


well, this year is almost a write off.. worst since my debut year in 08

figured i pretty much have to keep

Giles - going good enough plus durable at the moment
Clarke - avging around 80
Lake - likewise although weekend was awful
Porps - doing ok as a F7
Malceski - 50/50
thing that is saving me is the cash.. 317k if all goes well i can grab Priddis, Birch/Broughton at least


Tough one.  I think have to wait for Thursday teams for this one.

Didn't realise how expensive Maric is now....

Kennedy/Smith/McDonald have doubts wehther we are going to see them after the bye.  Probably close to topped out anyway.


yeah sure is tough.. trades are flying away..

Maric yeah for a guy avging 110 he is very pricey compared to Ryder who is avging the same and Roughy who could end up avging the same if all goes well for him..

RE Kennedy/Smith/JMac - i have my doubts.. in particular Kennedy and J Mac. Reckon Ken's shoulder is bothering him and JMac must be due for another rest again..

yep, all about the teams.. thinking if J Red and Big O named again i may very well keep HMac for a while longer  :-\


If Redden & Orren are named, you can also take Naitanui in R12 next week.  Means no donuts in R12/13.

Would probably look at Kennedy > Sexton at this stage.

You interested in any R13 forwards at all (Robbo/Nick Riewoldt/etc).  Or not really?


hmm. interesting call on Sexton. Hasn't he jumped on value already? I don't fancy Elliot playing too many games. And Black is too pricey. Oh well, may have to hold Kennedy. I like Nat and reckon he could be a good pick.

With the rd 13 fwds.. hmm, not sure. Robbo's alright but don't fancy him a hell of alot. Still think he is inconsistant and Carlton are rock bottom at the moment. NRoo? hmm im not quite sure. not many options hey


another trade plan is

weighing up doing a double back upgrade depending on Malceski

could go
Malceski > Broughton (reversed from rd 3  :-[ ) & Morris > Birchall

Backs would be done assuming Clarke can hold his own..

Deledio, Goddard, Broughton, Birchall, Heppall, Lake, Clarke (ellis, darley)


Doesn't help with the r11 donuts.  Just keep Malceski for now assuming he is named.

Trade plan definitely needs to revolve around offloading McDonald, Smith, Kennedy.


smith > cloke looks tempting also jmac > priddis soon


no trades.. but should win at least 3 leagues.. nice surprise..

Selwood 156 nice
Big O 20 oh well better then a kick in the balls.. just


1396 won 4/5 leagues.. pretty happy

Team is


Ablett,Swan,Selwood,S Thompson,NDS,JMac (smith,horse)

Giles,Redden(HMac,Big O)

Franklin,Sidebottom,Martin,ZAHARAKIS ,Boomer,Porplyzia,Zorko(kennedy,smedts

injuries highlighted.. could keep hmac for a while, don't trust Big O for a score. Redden scores ok but hardly gets a game which is rubbish as I rate him over Renouf..

Zaha has to go

Back's need an upgrade and 1 donut coming but now worried about Ellis's JS

Mids could be set if I get Priddis

Fwds are just injury riddled..


I am assuming you have the $317k in kitty and 11 trades

I would look at Zaha to Priddis (using trading room and horse) Completes mids and leaves cash 369k
Then H Mac to Nic Nat as a straight swap.
Ellis/Morris to Sam Shaw who is on bubble.
Byes effected players would be
Backs: Heppell Malceski, Clarke 1 donut (Maybe look at Clarke/Ellis to a prem Round 11 player if suits team Hurn, Adcock Drummond or similar (Waters is suspended so take donut if does not suit team) Only if not doing H Mac trade,
Mids: Swan Selwood
Rucks - Big O
Forwards: Sidey, Smedts
Next week complete team with Upgrades where required as you should have cash available.

Got to work my own out yet.


looks a good plan..dont quite know what "using trading room and horse" means.. i was originally looking at Horse > Priddis.. HMac is an interesting if redden gets named again i could still use Giles/Redden combo I suppose. Is Sam Shaw worth it? i'm not sure on him. Prob could cop a back donut but do need to move on one of Ellis/Morris before rd 13 as that's 2 byes.. Morris more likely.. Adcock or Hurn I think are the 2 options there. Would like Waters though but means waiting an extra week.. so maybe Morris > Waters rd 13? tough week ahead!