Fwd line poll

Started by the raven, May 09, 2012, 11:50:09 PM

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Which forward premium

Pavlich (404k)
Zaharakis (389k)
Cloke (407k)
Christensen (380k)
O'keefe (382k)

the raven

Looking to offload kennedy (200k) for a premium round 12 fwd. At the moment I am leaning towards one of the top 3 in this poll. Thinking cloke even after his worrying 4 point half from last week. Alternatively I could do a backline upgrade and oust morris or ellis but I feel there is more potential for scoring in the forward line.

any other suggestion list below.


If Clokes shoulder is Okish he is the man IMO.

the raven

Quote from: HappyDEZ on May 10, 2012, 01:45:12 AM
If Clokes shoulder is Okish he is the man IMO.

Can you post a source on clokes shoulder. haven't heard anything about it.


No source Raven, just an observation + rumours + strapping. I am reasonably confident that all is not right with T.Clokes shoulder. The story goes he is getting jabs pre-match, I do not know for a fact, but I believe it, seen him winch in pain & clutch the shoulder 2 or 3 weeks back. It is obviously not so bad as to stop him playing, but it appears a long way from 100%.

the raven

Haven't heard anything about it or really noticed it personally. Seen as cloke has a high break even I will hold off for 1 more week and watch how he plays this week and make a decision on bringing him in next week.


tough.. okeefe is just coming good.. id go him at that price