Do something about subs

Started by Keza41, April 28, 2012, 03:16:19 PM

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These last couple of weeks have severely impacted on my scores and have lost many league games because of this sub rule. Something needs to be done about it. I came up with an idea that is not perfect, but I think it will help make fantasy footy a lot better.

Last week I was shocked to see Higgins was sub. Needing only 80 from him to win all of my leagues, he was chosen to start as the sub and scored only 25-30. I had Treloar on my bench, who scored enough for me to win my leagues and I'm fairly annoyed that I lost 2 matches that I should have won.

So what if there was a change. Not only do emergencies come on when you have a 0 on your field, but also if your player starts as sub. If your emergency scores less than the player who was subbed then you are able to just take their score.

This removes the luck factor and will help you to obtain better scores and could potentially be the difference between you winning and losing you head-to-head.

Let me know what you think in the comment section below :)


sub rule makes YOU try to assess who may be the sub. just as who to make captain, who to select and who not to, who to

play and who to bench etc. it's a means of seperating the good dter'd from the average. if it was all easy we'd all be champs.

my opinion is to add the suboff's score PLUS the sub on's score [ basically 1 full player in 1 full game ]


they need to keep it basic for the masses


Made the Grand Final last year, Lost to my brother by 10 points. Had Higgins who started as sub and didn't do anything.
Moral of the story Don't trust Higgins!!!

Just with the Subbed off player + the Subbed on players score, would be even worse. Your opponent may have a Rookie who starts as Sub, the teams star player comes off with an injury at 3/4 time with 100points that rookie could get 140+, even more unfair.

There's not a lot of options, maybe make it so the Sub can only be from interchange to help out somewhat. Apart from that as Chopps said the AFL wants to keep it basic for all the non addict who dont send the weekend living DT.


Quote from: yorgis on April 28, 2012, 04:08:57 PM
sub rule makes YOU try to assess who may be the sub. just as who to make captain, who to select and who not to, who to

play and who to bench etc. it's a means of seperating the good dter'd from the average. if it was all easy we'd all be champs.

my opinion is to add the suboff's score PLUS the sub on's score [ basically 1 full player in 1 full game ]

nah the problem here is that when the sub comes on their scores are really inflated (except for Smedts...sigh) because they have so much more energy than the other players

my solution is to pick one of your bench players to nominate as a sub, then you can pick a player in the same position to switch out with them, be it due to an injury or just a shower game, and to make it more realistic you would have to make the sub during the lockout, and not on a player who is currently live.
also there is plenty of time after the sunday twilight game to make the sub


Agree sub has to go. That said traded smith this week cause i thought he would be sub . Good choice . With that said the sub rule has kept me in my league game thanks to smith and smeldts .


I think thigs should stay as they are, otherwise you are overcomplicating the game. The sub adds yet another element of luck in the game and makes it more exciting. While it may harm you one week, it may well advantage you the next. I think I have probably been more affected by the sub than most, with 4 green vests (barlow twice, christensen and d smith) and while it is frustrating you get over it.