Rate my Virgin SC Team.

Started by spongio, April 27, 2012, 12:25:03 AM

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First Post so be nice!

Very new to this Supercoach thing, It's a step up from EPL Fantasy Football.
Would like some help and advice to not be humiliated by work colleagues. Starting to realise I've burnt a few trades and I'm all over the Capt / Vice capt backdoor for this weeks partial lockout. 

Backs : Goddard, Waters, Henderson, Suckling, Guthrie, A Johnson, B Ellis, <Dempsey, M Brown>                                       
Mids : Ablett, Pendlebury, Mitchell, Masten, Sheil, McDonald, <Coniglio, Ben Sinclair>           
Rucks : Naitanui, McIntosh, <Giles, Rowe>                                              
Forwards:Porplyzia, Franklin, Hawkins, R Stanley, Treloar, Howe, Goodes <D Smith, Sam Reid>                                       

Cash in Bank $19,700     Used trades: 7

Any feedback appreciated. Probably only 4 or 5 serious players in my league so looking for points of difference. Top players are averaging 2200 and i'm down at 1950 and winless. 


As a newbie you have made one fatal mistake so far and that is using trades early.  At this stage of year most coaches would have between 19/22 trades still available. In your situation I would sit for a few weeks if possible and only trade if risks of donut.

Strategy from here would be look at the team and decide which players are my keepers. Look at who you want in your team and then work out a strategy using 17 trades to get as many in as possible.  Not being harsh but you may be looking at 2013.  Reason being I see possibly only 11 as keepers and with 17 trades to get another 11 in will be tight especially with any injuries. You may however with right trades get to finals and then anything can happen.
Forwards are your weakest link at the moment so when cash cows have peaked that is where I would concentrate on first 2 upgrades.  Then do 2 in Defence as your mid line is reasonably sound.

Do not worry in my first year of SC I finished in the 70k.  Found this site after the first 3 rounds and last year finished 12k and aiming for top 5k this year. Just to encourage you to learn.


Thanks Ringo. Much appreciated. Will be looking at my forward line now Goodes has gone down. At least I have some money to spend!!