Kennedy > Treloar

Started by greco272, April 26, 2012, 09:51:21 PM

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Hey Guys

Just wondering if it's worth burning a trade to get Treloar into the team.

I have 21 trades left and look to field a full team this week.

But i have some small issues brewing, (Hall, Dickson & Kennedy) are all sitting on my bench and im worried either will get back.

So my question is, is it worth trading Kennedy > Treloar to make 106k

Or should i hold onto my trades.

Thanks Guys



same problem man, the 100k is tempting as hell :)

but a non playing rookie would suck!!

what do i do>???


Only have 6k in the bank so can't ditch Dickson.

Really confused on where to go with this.


Kennedy will back next week I think.  If you want to be aggressive, I would do the trade.  Will also free funds so you can get rid of Dickson for Pfieffer next week.