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that moment when

Started by The F.A.R.K., April 19, 2012, 11:53:24 PM

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The F.A.R.K.

you are posting and instead of writing f#ck or sh#t you actually write flower or shower hahaha

Justin Bieber

Yeah flower. I sometimes get use to saying flower ad shower lol... Then I use it on Facebook. Lol

The F.A.R.K.

Quote from: whatlez on April 20, 2012, 12:00:04 AM
Yeah flower. I sometimes get use to saying flower ad shower lol... Then I use it on Facebook. Lol

now thats embarrasing


Quote from: The F.A.R.K. on April 19, 2012, 11:53:24 PM
you are posting and instead of writing f#ck or sh#t you actually write flower or shower hahaha
i always type flower. Dunno why, saves mr. Auto-correct form doing work. :P

Quote from: whatlez on April 20, 2012, 12:00:04 AM
Yeah flower. I sometimes get use to saying flower ad shower lol... Then I use it on Facebook. Lol
I am yet to do that, thankfully.

Justin Bieber

Nah I haven't actually done that, but have almost. I actually didn't realize its auto-corrected so i just say flower and shower as reflex now.

The F.A.R.K.

oh man most time i just write the actual word but today i wrote flower a few times