M. Barlow

Started by sya87, April 19, 2012, 03:40:14 PM

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worth bringing in this week? has an achievable BE. im gunna use my DPP link in the mids and trade fyfe to barlow. i started with a 3 gun 3 rook on field starting structure, so im thinking this could be a chance to pick up a cheap premo.

soz if this FYFE related post offends anyone. barlow is more my concern though.


atleast you named Fyfe in the opening to the thread, so thats something :),
if going fyfe to barlow then do it this week, if u were going a cash cow to him i would say wait a week


I think it is a great trade. Barlow looks good and he is finding the ball. I would love to do this trade but realized i got rid of my mid dpp  last week so i wil have to do something else.


I would do the move if i could as well but with 3 round 12 premiums i cant get 4, so unfortunately not able to do it. If i was in your situation with only 3 premium mids i would definitely do the trade.


Very tempting for me as well, and probably what I'd do if I were on a budget. I can afford Swan or Murphy for him though - that's the only reason I'm not.


yeah its very handy this year, i hope to get the link back when zorko/couch get named. wish treloar was held off a little longer, hes looking ok!

my only doubt is if barlow can return to the 110 average, or if he will be that awkward 'do i trade, dont i trade' player in my mids.


Quote from: Praetorian on April 19, 2012, 03:49:54 PM
Very tempting for me as well, and probably what I'd do if I were on a budget. I can afford Swan or Murphy for him though - that's the only reason I'm not.

yeah im on a budget. the forwards this season seem shaky and i think i can rely on devon smith or kennedy on my field at this stage. currently porps is my 7th fwd.


IM in the same situation as you mate. Either way Fyfe is out for me. I hope im not wrong! lol

I like the idea of Barlow but i havent had much support for it...

Do you think that Barlow in the mids with DPP is better than straight swapping to RObbinson in the forwards??


Quote from: Dave085 on April 19, 2012, 05:56:10 PM
IM in the same situation as you mate. Either way Fyfe is out for me. I hope im not wrong! lol

I like the idea of Barlow but i havent had much support for it...

Do you think that Barlow in the mids with DPP is better than straight swapping to RObbinson in the forwards??

I think it really depends on who you can swing forward. Do you have a strong forward-line? if not i would just straight swap Robo. Structure is also something to look at. if you had to start 3 rooks upfront by switching Fyfe to Barlow then your better off going Robbo.


Quote from: Kuruki on April 19, 2012, 06:55:11 PM
Quote from: Dave085 on April 19, 2012, 05:56:10 PM
IM in the same situation as you mate. Either way Fyfe is out for me. I hope im not wrong! lol

I like the idea of Barlow but i havent had much support for it...

Do you think that Barlow in the mids with DPP is better than straight swapping to RObbinson in the forwards??

I think it really depends on who you can swing forward. Do you have a strong forward-line? if not i would just straight swap Robo. Structure is also something to look at. if you had to start 3 rooks upfront by switching Fyfe to Barlow then your better off going Robbo.

Franklin, Sidebottom, Jordan Lewis, Fyfe, D. Martin, D. Smith, A. Kennedy  -  A. Hall, T. Dickson.

I guess that answers my question.
Will Barlow be a keeper again by seasons end?


was going to bring him in this week, then thought on waiting a week. Just to see Ziebell again, and Barlow won't go up yet. but his score sure will 8)


I think fyfe is capable of outscoring barlow or at least going very close so i would rather keep fyfe. If you can get barlow in another way i would look at it, maybee hold this week and get a second look at JZ.


Quote from: Holzman on April 20, 2012, 04:36:02 AM
maybee hold this week and get a second look at JZ.

Barlow isn't going to go up in price much this round if at all. If JZ  goes bang again he's too cheap to miss. Having said all that I'm keeping Fyfe.


Quote from: hardnut on April 20, 2012, 09:23:57 AM
Quote from: Holzman on April 20, 2012, 04:36:02 AM
maybee hold this week and get a second look at JZ.

Barlow isn't going to go up in price much this round if at all. If JZ  goes bang again he's too cheap to miss. Having said all that I'm keeping Fyfe.

+1 - last weeks 22 is going to hurt his price for a while, if he was healthy even, not going to hit the BE and if he misses it by a lot it will be big next week too


Quote from: SydneyRox on April 20, 2012, 10:52:56 AM
Quote from: hardnut on April 20, 2012, 09:23:57 AM
Quote from: Holzman on April 20, 2012, 04:36:02 AM
maybee hold this week and get a second look at JZ.

Barlow isn't going to go up in price much this round if at all. If JZ  goes bang again he's too cheap to miss. Having said all that I'm keeping Fyfe.

+1 - last weeks 22 is going to hurt his price for a while, if he was healthy even, not going to hit the BE and if he misses it by a lot it will be big next week too

yeah im in the same mindset. ive decided to keep fyfe for this week (have shaw, dempsey and birchall to worry about). his projected drop is around 50k which is what JZ and Barlow should still be priced around next week. im not sure if i want to give up my DPP link in the mids if i dont have to.