To trade or not to trade... Mooharhaha..

Started by crabapples, April 08, 2012, 11:57:35 AM

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So all this talk bout, should i trade? should i trade? ohhh man should i trade him? " NO DONT TRADE A PREMIUM"

So this is only my 2nd yr so iv been takin most advice given but im thinkin if i was to ask this time last year
"should i trade alan didak"
"should i trade brian lake"

Even N Roo!

I mean everyone says dnt worry about your 'premiums' dropping in price theyre keepers anyway. Theyre only dropping in price because theyre not producing.

Last year i started with Didak and gambled on trading him early and saved about 200k while i watched otherS get over the moon with all the money they were making on Ed Curnow types, while they had someone like Didak going down at the same rate.

Obviousley trading a high priced player is a gamble but someimes gambles pay out !


Well I'm trading Golby for Dempsey and enjoy the price rise.


Quote from: JamSainter on April 08, 2012, 12:11:09 PM
Well I'm trading Golby for Dempsey and enjoy the price rise.

looking at howard - dempsey myself but SO MANY mid priced defender options i don't have hargrave or malceski or waters all 3 solid replacements for my injured lad, but dempsey only issue was coming back off a knee, he looks like he is fine and he is thier go to man in link out of defence so barring injury i reckon he is the way to go for me.

@crabapples - don't think your asking a question or need advice at all, but you trade to have your team score more points over the course of the entire season so trade with one thing in mind and one thing only.

* based on what i have seen so far and what i predict to happen going forward will i be better off with the player i have or with "that player". if the answer after taking all you know so far and what your gut says is "that player" then trade - simple- good chance you will get some wrong

fact is this caper is not pick a team and see who scores most after the season - it is pick a team use 24 trades and see who scores most at the end of the season (over the entire season).

trades are for one reason only - improving your teams scoring, whether thats trading out rooks for cash, sideways trading underperformers, trading in guns, it's all the same reason - to score more.


@colliwoblers, i was just hoping to get a discussion going really.
I agree 100% with what u said, sort of what i was trying to get across. I dont think u can have set rules of which no one can break and u must follow. If everyone does the same thing we'll all b the same and thats boring!
With broughton i think all signs are pointing to him being ross lyons new clint jones, he isnt needed as an attacking mid fielder Zac dawson makes it a new dynamic in the backline ( oviousley rated and in the coaches vision for the team) I predict at least 100k drop for broughts, better options IMO, ( thats y iv traded him )  :-X lol he was a flip of the coin last minute before lockout  ;D


Nothing wrong with trading ... it is part of the game ... but the saying trades are gold is very true so we just need to be sure they are good ones!!

I did Parker/Hale out for Stanton/Milera last week ... so far is working like a charm.

Considering trading out Broughton this week but only if there is someone who jumps out at me ... not sold on a sideways trade as i hate them ... so that means trade him for someone cheaper ... far from sold on Dempsey, Lake, Hargrave, Golby ... already have Melceski ... perhaps Yarran, Waters (if not suspended) or Mohr (although that is a big drop) ... again not sold on any of these guys really as a trade for Broughton ...

Don't mind the Mumford to Kruizer trade but again getting rid of a premium is a BIG risk.  Would be a master stroke if Keuizer averages 100 for the season ... but not that confident he will be able to do this ... Ryder is in a similar boat ... could average 100 but not that confident in him

May no trade this week at all ... :)