Word of friendly advice to other newbies

Started by ubeaut, April 05, 2012, 04:19:38 PM

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I am absolutely loving this thread now!!! ubeaut did you trade adcock in after round 1? just curious


Quote from: cortez on April 06, 2012, 12:46:10 AM
I am absolutely loving this thread now!!! ubeaut did you trade adcock in after round 1? just curious



Quote from: cortez on April 06, 2012, 12:46:10 AM
I am absolutely loving this thread now!!! ubeaut did you trade adcock in after round 1? just curious
Yeah I'm loving this thread too,as it's generating healthy debate. Pity about the three boos I've copped for it though,just voicing my humble opinion and trying to help others out. But no I didn't trade in Adcock or Pendles.


Shhh! Don't mention the 'b' word! It will invite more!


Ubeaut, If your not going to take advice from others and just go with your gut everytime why are you still on this forum? clearly you dont want advice and the only advice you are giving is telling people not to listen to others. and for your information there is no debate in this thread. you were proved wrong last night about adcock...oh yea and 1 boo to you thanks for reminding me :-)


i agree with you ubeaut
to a degree yes we do ask for advice from people but that shouldn't sway your final decision

rule number 1 of SC and DT : Trust your gut - of course that doesn't mean every gut decision will be the right one otherwise everyone would win the car BUT if you go with your own gut decision's at least then you have no where to lay blame but at yourself and then you can learn from your mistakes

and on a side note i don't have adcock
injury prone and good player but done the same thing last season come out firing but drops off later on in the year when u need those scores

either way your spot on learn from it and back yourself a little more next time ;)


Ubeaut, you are right in many respects in your original post.  The problem on here is that there are many SHEEP  ;D.  Someone says something, someone else agree's then suddenly everyone is saying it like its gospal.  Take it all with a grain of salt, listen, form your own opinion and at the end of the day go with your gut...


Quote from: cortez on April 06, 2012, 08:01:13 AM
Ubeaut, If your not going to take advice from others and just go with your gut everytime why are you still on this forum? clearly you dont want advice and the only advice you are giving is telling people not to listen to others. and for your information there is no debate in this thread. you were proved wrong last night about adcock...oh yea and 1 boo to you thanks for reminding me :-)
Because I'm new at this and need a little help sometimes. Mate I'm not having a go at anyone but me for not backing myself. And last night as everyone keeps saying is one game,so Adcock could still be a good pick. His avg is still 100.




Ubeaut - Missed a fair bit of the goings after my first part as I was at the Gabba last night. Thanks for the clarification that you are beating up on yourself but just learn from it,  Always go with gut feeling after dissecting the different advices that people give.

To show slight disagreement with Daz I would still take Adcock so long as he reverts back to his running half back role.  Hopefully this will be next week when Brown returns and possibly Drummond comes in.  IMO from last night he was definitely not suited to the midfield role even Judd outpaced him a couple of times.


true ringo as i said good player just not one i'd picked highly inconsistent
averaged 98 first half of season last year and only 82 2nd half
hence what i mean by business end of season and needing those scores
then again if he stays fit his good enough to have a blonder of a season

i just simply meant i don't take him and thats my guy instinct



Quote from: JamSainter on April 05, 2012, 05:13:23 PM
You sound a bit disgruntled. I for one, love the forum, peoples advice . I weigh it all up and then make a decision I am happy with, not what makes some other forum user happy.


To come back after Round 1 scores and complain about Pendles vs Swan or Adcock is a newb move in itself. 

There is plenty of great advice to be had on this forum. There are plenty of people giving opinions for and against what they believe. If some1 convinces your brain to act against your gut then your gut wasn't strong enough, nor your brain calculating enough to weigh up the right information and make the right decision.

If you always go with your gut and ignore good advice you will lose. If you always ignore your gut and take bad advice you will lose.

A friendly word of advice to other newbs (like myself), follow the masses with the MUSTS and MUST NOTS e.g. Don't Sideways trade Premiums (Except LTI) , Trades are GOLD, don't chop and change because some1 starts the season off slow. Put Ablett Captain :P These are bread and butter for having a good 1st year. Then after you follow these rules, pick your Unique/Smokie Premium and Rookie from the Gutt so you can be the envie of your more experianced  SC mates.

meow meow

^ What he said.

And realise that some people do the occasional bit of trolling haha. Get Higgins. Get Drummond.


Quote from: meow meow on April 05, 2012, 11:48:16 PM
Quote from: ubeaut on April 05, 2012, 04:19:38 PM

Not going to name names,but a regular and respected poster told me that Adcock would not be a good pick as he was tagging all PS

Haha! Nobody respects my opinion.

Sorry MM I thought I was being sublte!