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Wrestlemania 28

Started by Noz, April 02, 2012, 01:17:23 PM

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Anyone else watching it?


I am watching the replay tonight with a couple of mates


Okay what do you think of it so far?


I have not seen any results yet so I have no idea. I have a feeling it is going to be terrible and a major let down. I won't be watching anything until 7pm tonight


Some bits were a bit of a let down but most of all there were some memorable moments to come out of the night.


Yeah you are absolutely right Noz, Even I am gonna see it tonight for that only!!!


Just watched in for the 2nd time thank god I have IQ might watch some matches tomorrow as well  :D

Justin Bieber

I am too cheap to get Main Events and haven't followed Wrestling for months :P. Parents do so checked results for them....

I think the Sheamus Vs Bryan match was just WTF from what I read.... Such a shame for that to happen to make room for other matches :(.


Yeah Sheamus/Bryan was a huge disappointment as was the Team Teddy/Team Laurinaties match.

Hell in a cell match was pure class best match WWE have put on for a long time.

There's a website you can watch Main Events and Raw/Smackdown on I'll try and find out I'm pretty sure it's free

Justin Bieber

Probably are sites if I can be bothered looking :P. I tend to wait a while and they'll turn up on youtube eventually :). But probably won't watch much from the Main Event even if I do tune in.


These sites are also useful for NBA and NFL. I have one I use in particular for trying to watch Philadelphia Eagles games that are not shown in Australia


Quote from: Noz on April 03, 2012, 10:29:01 PM
Yeah Sheamus/Bryan was a huge disappointment as was the Team Teddy/Team Laurinaties match.

Hell in a cell match was pure class best match WWE have put on for a long time.

I thought it was a good mania. 
Taker v HHH was match of the night - really followed on from last years epic.
Sheamus v Bryan was awesome when you take in to consideration the build-up since the Royal Rumble.  RAW (which I wont see til Sat replay) should be good to see the fallout of this.
Team Teddy v Team Johnny was the worst match of the night (followed closely by women's tag match).  The fallout from this could be very interesting.
Rock v Cena was a good match
Jericho v Punk was a good match
Orton v Kane was a good match but the storyline for this was pathetic.  If Kane had of faced off against WOO WOO WOO, YOU KNOW IT then that would have been a much better storyline.


Yeah you make a lot of good points in particular the Bryan/Sheamus match would be really interesting to see the fallout.
Really wanted the Team Teddy/Laruniaties to be a elimination match.
Don't know why Kane faced Orton instead of Ryder probably cause they didn't want to keep Orton off Mania since Barrett got injured.

My mate told me someone big returns on Raw so can't wait to see that


Rock vs Cena.

Get around it.

Don't know if this is in the right thread.

One word can describe it.


Justin Bieber

I kinda read an insider site so I already know who returns on raw, even before Wrestlemania as he was there.... Many thought he would interfere in a match. Certainly a big return if true as don't watch :P.