Luke Parker

Started by Cicjose, March 26, 2012, 11:06:56 PM

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if Parker misses the next month of football and then finds his way back into the side...

1. Will he become the substitute;

2. what will happen to his price if he becomes the sub? and;

3. is he worth a spot as a downgrade option?

if all scenarios were to occur is he worth monitoring?


1 - I don't think a jaw injury would increase his sub likelihood

2 - Well... it will decrease?

3 - I don't think so.


He's only out for 1-2 rounds seeing as Sydney aren't playing this week

1. Might be the sub in his first game back, otherwise no

2. I'd imagine that if he was the sub for one game his breakeven would be around 100-110

3. He won't really drop a lot and who would you be downgrading?


thx ele i never really considered him to start with

i just thought that when coming back from injury he wont automatically be in the best 21 and;

whether those who follow the Swans see his price dropping to be a worthwhile investment?   


1. No wont be the dub, wont play until the jaw is ok
2. His BE is 49 and he got 48 on the weekend, his price may fall slightly but the go up
3. Only if he comes back and is the sub which is unlikely imo


He'll drop about 30k max before heading back up.

I wouldn't be trading him in though


sorry he got 55 on the weekend. He is in my team as i think he will be more consistent then a rookie. He also wont be traded out unless LTI