prob final peice of puzzle

Started by HotTiges, March 24, 2012, 02:17:32 AM

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cotchin & malceski vs lake & a swallow/s thompson

can't decide between the 2 combos.. slighlty leaning towards lake + 625k middy


Lake Scotty Thompson from memory Eski has never played more than 15 games in any of 7 seasons but I have had a few tonight so would have to check that


good call, i reckon 2010 might of been the Malceski year?


Quote from: HotTiges on March 24, 2012, 02:22:24 AM
good call, i reckon 2010 might of been the Malceski year?

and 2007. (he averaged over 100 that year.) in both years he got the premium averages he managed 22 games.

if malceski plays a full season he is a premium defender, no doubt. it's just his knee is a ticking timebomb.


Malceski=95.            Cotchin=110
lake=80.                     Swallow=115-120

So malceski and cotchin i think