all feedback appreciated

Started by Strikeout, March 23, 2012, 03:29:13 PM

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A little bit last minute, but i cant stop changing it, everytime i look at it i change something, driving me nuts!

Pretty happy with the forward/rucks but no so much with the mids/backs. Probaly more the back line then anything.

It kinda seems a little risky? i feel players like Lake and Dempsy have the potential to go either way. They could come good or quiet easily crash and burn. My thinking was that with the money i saved, i would be able to beef up the midfield and forward line, which have a tendency to score more SC points.

pretty much was just looking for thoughts/opinions on the matter, also on the team as a whole. This is still only my second year doing SC and i feel like i have alot to learn.

any help is greatly appreciated

also happy to rate teams but as i said im still learning and dont really know what to look for lol


if i was you i would decide which ONE of lake, dempsey and hargrave you want to stick with, and then with the other two downgrade one to a rookie than upgrade one to a premium.
if you need more money try swan > boyd, sidey > danger etc.

once you have done that your team will look really good