smith vs ledger

Started by Jay, March 20, 2012, 06:48:26 PM

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which rookie?

clay smith (w.b)
11 (40.7%)
tom ledger (stk)
16 (59.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1


which one? clay smith or thomas ledger? cheeers :)


wait to see if any or both get promoted, i'd go ledger for talent though


Aren't they both on the senior list already?


Your right Bruizer81, both Smith and Ledger are on their respective clubs senior lists.


Had both in at times during the Pre season. Ledger knows how to find the footy. He's in at the moment


supercoach addict

Who's more likely to score more out of these two and whos' more likely to be a sub?


Wait til the sc scores get published. Smith wins a lot of contested footy, but from what I know tends to turn it over.  Going to be interesting to see how he scores with that in mind. If his scores are high get him in because I reckon ledger will be a prime candidate for the subs vest.


Both will play. Prob both vest candidates


big concerns on ledger for the vest where clay is safer due to dickson in the fwd line probably more likely to be vested, saints will play ledger but there is a LOT of competition for mid spots at the Saints.


Cripps, Siposs, Milera, Gram and possibly Geary are all better vest candidates than Ledger.

Ledger will play in the centre square and he will score. I think his game is more suited to DT but he will still make you plenty of cash in supercoach.


a lot cheaper in sc also. Are all those guys you mentioned even going to matter tho (in best 22?)


I rank Cripps and Gram in our 22, Milera, Geary and Siposs are boarderline, but Cripps is the perfect vest candidate. Pace, but not the biggest engine, good skills and is very versatile, having played in the forward line as a sub last season and kicking multiple goals, and playing defense as a rebounding defender this pre-season.

He would be my pick for a sub.


Ledger will be a clearance and tackle machine, something we need desperately to help out Lenny. This then releases Dal Santo, Goddard and Montagna to do what they want on the outside.


Quote from: Colliwobblers on March 20, 2012, 10:13:18 PM
big concerns on ledger for the vest where clay is safer due to dickson in the fwd line probably more likely to be vested, saints will play ledger but there is a LOT of competition for mid spots at the Saints.
you sure? :/