2012 W15 Preseason Challenge Cup: Grand Final!

Started by c4v3m4n, March 16, 2012, 07:46:56 PM

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The 2012 W15 Pre-season Challenge Cup: Grand Final



Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Grand Final of our 2012 Pre-season friendly competition.

After two weeks of a great pre-season competition, the two teams that finished on top of the ladder were chosen to play-off for the inaugural 2012 W15 Pre-season Friendly Cup.

Those two teams were: The Beijing Bears and the Sao Paulo Pumas.

Since the Beijing Bears finished on top of the ladder, the were given the home ground advantage, and the game will be held a the picturesque Beijing National Stadium commonly known as the "Bird's Nest". :o

Below you will find how the Bears and the Pumas have fared so far in the competition, some comments from the coaches and...

...the all-important game! ;D

One thing to note: The game's result will be initially determined by DT scores, however, the FINAL winner will be announced upon the release and additional of the SC scores (since the real competition is based on SC scores).



There's not a great deal of information you can take from just two games of W15 football, but impressive victories was all it took for the Beijing Bears to make it into the inaugural Grand Final.


Pre-season Round 1: Defeated Pacific Islanders by 24 points.

Pre-season Round 2: Defeated Seoul Magpies by 10 points.

The Bears first round opponent, the Pacific Islanders didn't really offer much resistance for the Bears as they stormed to the largest winning margin of the comeptition so far, a very impressive 24 point victory. However, it was a valuable learning experience for the Bears coach, bomberboy0618, as the team was decimated early due to a rushed team sheet, they just had enough emergencies to cover them.

The second round match against the Magpies surely had its ups and downs. The Bears captain, Andrew Swallow had a match he'd rather forget and the last minute withdrawal of Kruezer wasn't helpful either. However, they were helped after a very average display by the Magpies with 8 of their players scoring 41 or less.

Overall, it's been a pre-season of good fortunes for the Bears. But sometime all you need is good luck....

Pre-season Hero

It's been a bit of a rollercoaster ride for Clancee Pearce so far in his short career. After debuting for the now defunct Fremantle Dockers in 2009, then being delisted just prior to the AFL folding in 2011, then being picked up by the Bears in the rookie draft, he's certainly making himself known again after two very impressive displays in the past two weeks. With scores of 107 and 85 respectively, it looks like the Beijing Bears have found themselves a gem.

Young Guns

The Bears recruit, Dom Tyson has made great strides early on in the competition and looks to provide well needed depth and stability for the Bears midfield this year. With an average of 65 DT points per 100 mins, he's certainly not the best, but he'll be a integral part for the Bears for many long years to come.

Key Player

There's no doubt that Andrew Swallow is going to be playing an enormous role this weekend for the Bears. After a below-par performance last week, he's going to have to step it up a notch if the Bears have any hope of getting over the line.

Where the Final could be won/lost

1. As mentioned above, Andrew Swallow.

2. The Bears have been very fortunate of late with great runs of form from Clancee Pearce, Addam Maric, Brian Lake, Ryan Hargrave and Shane Tuck. Should the good form end...it's curtains for the Bears.



Everyone has been talking about Ablett's unexpected absence during the pre-season, but with a Grand Final up for grabs, there is no ignoring him now.


Pre-season Round 1: Defeated PNL Reindeers by 3 points.

Pre-season Round 2: Defeated Toronto Wolves by 21 points.

The Pumas first match against the PNL Reindeers saw many of their stars rested with names like Gary Ablett, Scott McMahon, Daniel Cross, Sam Fisher and David Zaharakis all being listed as emergencies. With a depleted team, it was the fantastic performances from young Devon Smith and ruckman Will Minson that got the Pumas over the line.

Their second friendly against the Toronto Wolves was a fantastic all-round team performance with 10 players scoring over 75 and overall, the team posted the second highest score ever recorded. If last week's performance is anything to go by, the Pumas are in for a very successful season.

Pre-season Hero

There really hasn't been one single standout performer for the Pumas so far, and that is what makes them dangerous. A collective team effort is better than relying on single players to give you high scores week in, week out.

Young Guns

Peter Yagmoor has averaged 53 points per 100 minutes so far this pre-season and looked at home in the Pumas defensive line. Like Dom Tyson for the Bears, Yagmoor will provide the Pumas with great depth for many years to come for the Pumas.

Key Players

Daniel Cross should be an inclusion this week after the loss to Harlett in the midfield, and we all know how well Cross can perform. He'll have no problems getting fired up early and he'll provide the Pumas with an additional boost in the midfield.

Where the Final could be won/lost

With many key players likely to be back for the Pumas, it could be these new inclusions that make the difference. Along with the notion that it is the final chance to push for Round 1 selection, the Pumas will definitely be fired up for the win.

Cross and Jacobs are fantastic inclusions, but be sure to watch out for Ablett. ;)



The two opposing coaches held a press conference shortly before the match to talk about the upcoming Grand Final. This is what they had to say:

Head Coach bomberboy0618 from the Beijing Bears:
Quote from: bomberboy0618 on March 15, 2012, 06:04:12 PM
If it bleeds, we can kill it.
Taking it one week at a time.
Football is like a chess match and winning this game will be the first move.
Other football cliches.
Random rubbish.
I found a piece of bread.
The ox is slow but the earth is patient.

A rather confusing but somewhat poetic summary. If anything is to be taken away from this odd press conference is that the Bears will show no mercy and will be after nothing less than a victory in the Grand Final.

Head Coach CrowsFan from the Sao Paulo Pumas had this to say:
Quote from: CrowsFan on March 15, 2012, 06:14:43 PM
The Pumas head coach, CF, is unsure what to make of the Beijing Bears coach. During the Bears' pre game press conference BB started to ramble on about pieces of bread and slow oxen, raising questions over his sanity. Is this all a ploy to distract the Pumas or is he really mentally insane? Only time will tell...

On to the match and looking at the Pumas squad we can see they have made a total of 6 changes to the squad that will contest in the WXV first ever preseason grand final. In comes defender Scott McMahon, midfielders Gary Ablett, Daniel Cross, Daniel Hannebery, big man Will Minson and small forward Devon Smith. The unlucky ones to miss out are Peter Yagmoor, Hamish Hartlett, Ryan Harwood, Jarryd Blair, Jon Griffin and Luke Lowden. Of these Yagmoor can feel most aggrieved about missing the final after he had performed very well in the previous 2 rounds, he does make it on to the emergency bench.

These changes have significantly strengthened an already firing Puma side and hopefully it will be enough to get the win over a strong Bears team :)

A more eloquent press conference and some big changes have been made by the Pumas. By bringing in some talented players, it's clear that the Pumas also mean business and aren't taking this pre-season competition lightly.

It's a gripping Grand Final that we have in store, but it's time for the final word:

With the inclusions of Ablett, Cross, McMahon, Minson and with the likes of Sloane, Porplyzia, Zaharakis, Fisher, Houli all in, it's definitely an impressive team sheet. The Bears might not have the same firepower, they do seem to have the good luck at the moment. If Maric, Pearce, Lake, Hargrave and even the push up King continue their impressive form, we are all in for one hell of a contest. But, all good things must come to and end, and I ahte to say it, but this could be where it all goes wrong for the Bears. Plus, it's hard to go past the Little Master, especially when he's captain. ;D Pumas by 12 for me.



GRAND FINAL: Beijing Bears vs. Sao Paulo Pumas

Beijing National Stadium, Beijing China

Weather: 13 degrees and partly cloudy.

Crowd: Over 70,000 expected.

Team Sheets and Scores

Position               Beijing Bears                    Scores                                        Sao Paulo Pumas                 Scores
DEFBrian Lake86Sam Fisher (VC)87
DEFRyan Hargrave75Scott McMahon66
DEFHarry Taylor89 Beau Waters87
DEFRhyce Shaw55Bachar Houli81
MID Andrew Swallow (C)228Gary Ablett (C)228
MID Chance Bateman55 Daniel Cross111
MID Shane Tuck106Rory Sloane70
MID Shaun Grigg100Mitch Duncan58
FWDMitch Clark74 David Zaharakis115
FWD Steele Sidebottom107Devon Smith74
FWDClancee Pearce75Brendan Whitecross86
FWD Addam Maric102Jason Porplyzia55
RUCMatthew Kreuzer96Sam Jacobs53
INTRobbie Tarrant27Will Minson83
INTBrent Guerra64 Dan Hannebery111
SUB / EMG 1Jake King-Matthew Wright19
EMG 2Lindsay Gilbee-Peter Yagmoor-
EMG 3Andrejs Everitt83Mitch Wallis-
EMG 4Darren Glass76Jarryd Blair91
EMG 5Ryan Harwood-
EMG 6Seb Tape46

Game Notes

Chance Bateman was a late inclusion for Jake King.

Q1: Bears 5.1.31 vs. Pumas 5.2.32
Q2: Bears 12.7.79 vs. Pumas 12.7.79
Q3: Bears 11.13.115 vs. Pumas 17.10.112

FINAL SCORE: Bears 20.14.134 def. by Pumas 21.11.137


Justin Bieber


Imagine if the bears have to play Darren Glass. Then he pulls of a 80 and the bears win by 15 points. :o


I'm actually hoping the Pumas win too, just to give this competition a semblance of integrity :P


Quote from: bomberboy0618 on March 17, 2012, 10:13:52 AM
I'm actually hoping the Pumas win too, just to give this competition a semblance of integrity :P

Everyone loves a good underdog though... ;)

Purple 77



Just noticed the write-up C4!! Magnificent


Quote from: ossie85 on March 17, 2012, 04:34:29 PM

Just noticed the write-up C4!! Magnificent
Quote from: CrowsFan on March 17, 2012, 03:25:57 PM
Wow great preview there c4! Top work :)
Quote from: Purple 77 on March 17, 2012, 02:10:55 PM
oh thats awesome.

Awesome work here c4!

Thanks guys. I figured the Grand Final deserved more attention and with that in mind, I thought, hey, why not do a preview write-up. ;D