SC elxam Coaches League, fixture and discussion

Started by ossie85, March 15, 2012, 08:50:23 AM

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Hi all - this a thread for the coaches league (named the elxam league), and all our competitors in 2011.

Sorry, entrants for this league are now CLOSED and was only open to coaches who have posted 1000 times or more.

Well, welcome to round 1!

A kazillion matches to go through, all of Round 1's matches are listed below.

I've also attached the complete League v League fixture here:

The Fixture

This spreadsheet DOES NOT include who each coach plays in there own league. That fixture won't be released until the Dream Team and SuperCoach websites release them, most likely during or at the end of round 1.

How does League v League work? Much like last year. Where a coach from one league, plays a coach from another. The difference being is that instead of 2 leagues, we have 3 in Dream Team and 4 in SuperCoach.

There are now 81 points available, as opposed to last year's 73, due to the fact leagues have increased from 16 to 18. How does point scoring work?

Well, each league gets:

4 points for each win (there are 18 matches, so 18 times 4 = 72 points available)
The highest scoring league on total points gets an extra 4 points
The highest scoring coach gets an extra 4 points
The coach that inflicts the biggest margin gets an extra 4 points
The lowest scoring coach loses 3 points

For a total of 81. The League with the most points wins.

In SuperCoach, each league will play three times a round. At the end of Round 19, the league with the most number of wins will win the League cup.

Individually, each team will be ranked as per the normal ladder. There are 72 teams in SuperCoach, you play everyone once, for a total of 71 matches. The top 16 will play off in elimination in the finals of each competition.

The first week of the Knock-Out Cup is also this week, and the full fixture for that is also attached in the spreadsheet.

Round 1 Fixture


Champions v Team C4

Barlow 21 v ajjewell
BoredSaint v BGK
CFC 1979 v Boomz
CrowsFan v c4v3m4n
Cruiseon v Chopps
DazBurg v Colliwobblers
Fletch74 v diddley
GoldDigger v Grazz
hawk_88 v Hellopplz
Junktimer v Holzman
korza v m0nty
Maca24 v Marcz
MajorLazer v naste
McRooster v ossie85
MTTY v PowerBug
reesbr v pyronerd
roo boys! v thatguy
thornz23 v whatlez

Champions v Stars

Barlow 21 v bomberboy0618
BoredSaint v BratPack
CFC 1979 v bundyboy
CrowsFan v bunyip
Cruiseon v Cookie Monster
DazBurg v cortez
Fletch74 v enzedder
GoldDigger v Hawka
hawk_88 v j959
Junktimer v Luigi197
korza v luvfooty
Maca24 v Miss Pies
MajorLazer v Nails
McRooster v Ringo
MTTY v Samm79
reesbr v Spite
roo boys! v valkorum
thornz23 v Ziplock

Champions v Challengers

Barlow 21 v ando_10
BoredSaint v benjy251090
CFC 1979 v Cicjose
CrowsFan v dmac07
Cruiseon v Dudge
DazBurg v ELLsendon
Fletch74 v fever
GoldDigger v My Chumps
hawk_88 v nathan11
Junktimer v nostradamus
korza v Purple 77
Maca24 v RobsOverAchieverss
MajorLazer v Shaggy
McRooster v SydneyRox
MTTY v tabs
reesbr v tferrier18
roo boys! v Torpedo10
thornz23 v yorgis

Team C4 v Stars

ajjewell v bomberboy0618
BGK v BratPack
Boomz v bundyboy
c4v3m4n v bunyip
Chopps v Cookie Monster
Colliwobblers v cortez
diddley v enzedder
Grazz v Hawka
Hellopplz v j959
Holzman v Luigi197
m0nty v luvfooty
Marcz v Miss Pies
naste v Nails
ossie85 v Ringo
PowerBug v Samm79
pyronerd v Spite
thatguy v valkorum
whatlez v Ziplock

Team C4 v Challengers

ajjewell v ando_10
BGK v benjy251090
Boomz v Cicjose
c4v3m4n v dmac07
Chopps v Dudge
Colliwobblers v ELLsendon
diddley v fever
Grazz v My Chumps
Hellopplz v nathan11
Holzman v nostradamus
m0nty v Purple 77
Marcz v RobsOverAchieverss
naste v Shaggy
ossie85 v SydneyRox
PowerBug v tabs
pyronerd v tferrier18
thatguy v Torpedo10
whatlez v yorgis

Stars v Challengers

bomberboy0618 v ando_10
BratPack v benjy251090
bundyboy v Cicjose
bunyip v dmac07
Cookie Monster v Dudge
cortez v ELLsendon
enzedder v fever
Hawka v My Chumps
j959 v nathan11
Luigi197 v nostradamus
luvfooty v Purple 77
Miss Pies v RobsOverAchieverss
Nails v Shaggy
Ringo v SydneyRox
Samm79 v tabs
Spite v tferrier18
valkorum v Torpedo10
Ziplock v yorgis

Knock-Out Cup, Week 1

1 ajjewell (1) v roo boys!
2 SydneyRox (2) v tferrier18
3 Junktimer (3) v Purple 77
4 MTTY (4) v ossie85
5 valkorum (5) v fever
6 BGK (6) v BratPack
7 Fletch74 (7) v dmac07
8 luvfooty (8 )  v Cicjose
9 Spite (9) v nostradamus
10 CFC 1979 (10) v pyronerd
11 reesbr (11) v ando_10
12 thornz23 (12) v Barlow 21
13 CrowsFan (13) v enzedder
14 Holzman (14) v RobsOverAchieverss
15 j959 (15) v korza
16 Maca24 (16) v whatlez
17 Nails v bomberboy0618
18 m0nty v PowerBug
19 Boomz v GoldDigger
20 Dudge v Luigi197
21 c4v3m4n v Hellopplz
22 bundyboy v BoredSaint
23 cortez v bunyip
24 Miss Pies v Grazz
25 McRooster v benjy251090
26 Samm79 v ELLsendon
27 yorgis v nathan11
28 Ziplock v diddley
29 Torpedo10 v Ringo
30 Chopps v Cookie Monster
31 MajorLazer v Hawka
32 hawk_88 v Shaggy
33 Marcz v naste
34 Cruiseon v Colliwobblers
35 DazBurg v My Chumps
36 thatguy v tabs


Great work ossie! ;D

I'm looking forward to my first week already as I'm playing CF and HP! Watch out fellas! 8)

Justin Bieber

Nice work Ossie your a champ. Hopefully you don't shower :P

Justin Bieber

Quote from: ossie85 on March 15, 2012, 02:09:30 PM

Shower? lol

Hopefully you score well since you're on my team  :P

Which is known as team Whatlez not Team C4   ;)


Quote from: whatlez on March 15, 2012, 02:18:47 PM
Quote from: ossie85 on March 15, 2012, 02:09:30 PM

Shower? lol

Hopefully you score well since you're on my team  :P

Which is known as team Whatlez not Team C4   ;)

I could boot you from the league for disrespectful behaviour. :P

Justin Bieber

Quote from: c4v3m4n on March 15, 2012, 02:24:35 PM
Quote from: whatlez on March 15, 2012, 02:18:47 PM
Quote from: ossie85 on March 15, 2012, 02:09:30 PM

Shower? lol

Hopefully you score well since you're on my team  :P

Which is known as team Whatlez not Team C4   ;)

I could boot you from the league for disrespectful behaviour. :P

I'm sorry c4


I've got thatguy and valk for my first round AND Ringo in the knockout cup. hopefully I can score well and do decently.  :)


Quote from: Torpedo10 on March 15, 2012, 06:05:24 PM
I've got thatguy and valk for my first round AND Ringo in the knockout cup. hopefully I can score well and do decently.  :)
You will Torp - Enjoyed reading your posts and team suggestions.  If it is any consolation to you I still finished outside the top 10k last year.  Can give advice but could not find th right advice for me.


Quote from: Ringo on March 15, 2012, 09:03:10 PM
Quote from: Torpedo10 on March 15, 2012, 06:05:24 PM
I've got thatguy and valk for my first round AND Ringo in the knockout cup. hopefully I can score well and do decently.  :)
You will Torp - Enjoyed reading your posts and team suggestions.  If it is any consolation to you I still finished outside the top 10k last year.  Can give advice but could not find th right advice for me.
Thanks Ringo. This is actually my 1st year with SC. last year i did DT but doing both this year. I've gotta post some more to get up to coach status but I've got to find the time. :P




Guys, atm me and Ringo are playing a ripper.

Ringo - 1894 with Redden,NDS and Goddard to play.

I - 2088 with Goddard to play.

Basically Redden and NDS need 195 points from both to beat me, It's gonna be close but hoping I can get 2200 none the less.


Quote from: Torpedo10 on April 01, 2012, 05:05:31 PM
Guys, atm me and Ringo are playing a ripper.

Ringo - 1894 with Redden,NDS and Goddard to play.

I - 2088 with Goddard to play.

Basically Redden and NDS need 195 points from both to beat me, It's gonna be close but hoping I can get 2200 none the less.
Hope I do not regret playing Reddan and leaving Giles on the bench. Very tight and the start of many in the League.
